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Deny this spammers

June 11, 2014 @ 10:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Politics, sports, www, Feedly, Spam, World Cup

Under attack

Under attack

I’ve been using feedly for awhile now. Yes… some people still like RSS. 😛 Anyway today I was having trouble updating my feeds. I usually assume it my local connection… but then I started getting strange errors… then I saw something in my Twitter feed about Feedly servers getting a DoS attack. From what feedly’s blog says:

Criminals are attacking feedly with a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). The attacker is trying to extort us money to make it stop. We refused to give in and are working with our network providers to mitigate the attack as best as we can.

Sigh. Technology does so much good but as always… it only takes one douchebag (who knows how many in this situation) to ruin a good thing for the masses. Spammers are the worst. I hope they catch the criminals and make an example of them. Hold out Feedly. F them.

In other spam news… Canada has new laws coming into effect July 1st to protect Canadians against spammers. The laws are pretty detailed. A co-worker attended a seminar on the subject and she said the laws seem to be a little over the top. (what a shock for a law added under the Harper dictatorship) She said, according to the law she could no longer send an e-mail to co-workers about her daughter’s girl guide cookies sale. A similar situation for Facebook… she said ‘friending’ someone is not consent to e-mail them…. While I fully agree there needs to be laws to protect against real spammers… some of the examples she cited seem ridiculous. I guess Canadians will have to wait and see how the laws actually end up being enforced.

Kings could win the Cup tonight. I could also win the hockey pool. Wooo! Stay tuned sports fans.

World Cup starts tomorrow. I tend to cheer for nations that play with honour and don’t take absurd unsportsmanlike dives. (Looking at you Italy, Spain and Brazil….) So, I’m backing Germany, Holland, Croatia, Australia, Japan and the underdog nations. I wonder if Canada will ever make the World Cup. Hmpt.


So Ontario has to vote tonight. What choices… Good lord. Hudak and the PCs… who are going to fire 100k civil servants then magically create 1M jobs, and every day will have sunshine and rainbows and the Leafs will the Cup. Sigh. No. Then the Liberals and their overspending. No. NDP and their flip-flopping an corruption. No thanks. We have a big pot of crap to pick from. What a waste of money. The CBC has a quiz to help… I guess none of the above won’t be a polling option…

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