Big win for Wynne
Huh. Projections prior to last night had various minority governments resulting from the Ontario provincial election last night. Well they could not have been more wrong. I guess all of Hudak’s hate-mongering and absurd policy to cut 100k civil servant jobs… then bring them back 10 fold made no sense to Ontarians… like it made no sense to me. What an ass kicking. The Liberals have been given quite an opportunity to swim or sink with a majority government. She is the first elected Premier of Ontario. I’m happy her lifestyle choice never came up as an issue during the election. Good job Ontario. The biggest concern is going to be Liberal spending… she made a lot of promises to get into office… I hope she doesn’t bankrupt the province trying to keep them.

Final results of the Ontario 2014 Election
All the Liberal gains were at the expense of the PC party. My riding (sigh) is still Blue. Both bdot and I got out to vote.
It is suppose to be a nice weekend. Hoping to get my bikeride in that was postponed from last week due to rain.
The Vibe keeps giving love. Now the hood hatch won’t catch. So it is a little scary to drive… but I have no choice. I going to take a long look at it this weekend. Also waiting to hear from my garage about a part for the AC. F*cking cars. Sigh.
Ahh the Toronto Sun. What a joke. I’ve seen classier high school newspapers.

I wonder if any goth kids will start collecting stamps. Canada Post has added a Haunted set of stamps… OOooOOOoooooo…

apparitions, eerie sounds, and other supernatural sensations...