...a place to bury thoughts

A chance at history

March 24, 2022 @ 07:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Canada, Geeky and tech, Manjaro Linux, World Cup

The Canadian Men's Team

The Canadian Men's Team

For the first time in over three decades… Canada could make the World Cup with a win tonight. (Last time was 1986!) It is a potentially historic game against Costa Rica. GO CANADA!

Somehow, likely due to nasty wind, our hottub cover was blown open sometime during the night. It was full of debris. I emptied the tub and cleaned it twice. Our ghetto hose has some rust sediment in the line and made a mess. I thought it was clear but it made a mess again. What an annoying process.

The Sabres have impressed lately. I don’t think I’ve said anything positive about them in years. But lately they actually look like a hockey team and have a winning record in March beating many playoff teams. Could the corner finally, FINALLY be turned?

Debating about going on a boyZ weekend. It is usually 5-6 guys but it would be only three so idunno…

Gave up on Manjaro install. After trying to connect to a windows share FOR HOURS, I gave up. Doing common tasks shouldn’t require reading hours of documentation and no clear process on how to do it. Yeah yeah, Linux nerds could probably figure it out but it just another example of why certain distros are a turn off for new users. I switched back to Mint – and network share worked within 5 minutes. ๐Ÿ˜›

Update๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ โšฝ๏ธ

Not a good first half for Canada. Down 1. Kaye red carded for being stupid. Sure there its a massive dive but… you are playing away, on a yellow card, trying to qualify for the World Cup and have to shoulder a guy you KNOW is going to roll around like he got hit by a sniper. Be better. Lots of ways Canada can still qualify for sure but winning was the nicest. Will need an epic 2nd half to git ‘er done.

Absolutely brave effort in the 2nd half. One off the post. Complete possession. But it wasn’t meant to be. I bet if they weren’t a man down… Oh well. Two more shots to win a qualification.

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