...a place to bury thoughts

The guys and Gord’s

September 23, 2013 @ 07:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, food, friends, home, bdotism, Brock University, Captain, Gord’s, MikeMike, nIVEK

Fall Colour in Ontario

Fall Colour in Ontario

Saturday I ventured to Niagara with KK to my alma mater for the university’s 50th anniversary. We met up with MikeMike at a Motel 8 in the Falls then headed up to the school. We were all stunned at the impressive new buildings and huge food court. When we attended the school many moons ago the food court area was grass and trees. A few things have changed a lot. We walked around reminiscing for a while. Visiting the Alphabet Blocks, the library and getting locked outside by Alphie’s Trough.

Brock Library - Ahh, memories of the Brock Library

Brock Library - Ahh, memories of the Brock Library

I also dropped by the Brock Press where I spent most of my university time. Good times. If you didn’t want to pay a ridiculous amount of money to see a mediocre band there was nothing for alumni wandering around campus to do. It was very disappointing on the weekend of the 50th anniversary the aforementioned Trough was closed. Fail Brock! FAIL! So we, along with what seem like most attending Brock students, headed to downtown St.Catharines.

Thistle Corridor’s legendary eye

Thistle Corridor’s legendary eye

First order of business was dinner. Again, back in the day we all loved a bar in downtown St.Catharines called Gord’s. Gord’s was dark, eerie and the only place in Niagara that you could dance to industrial. It was awesome. We all spent most Saturdays there for most of our twenties. It closed many years ago. However it recently reopened again as Gord’s. So naturally we were eager to check it out. It now holds none of the old magic it used it. It is now just another generic sports bar that could be anywhere. The evening crowd is dull and the atmosphere is dull. Ho-hum, likely won’t return anytime soon in the evening. We did have dinner there however and it was quite good. Our waitress was excellent. After dinner we grabbed Captain and returned downtown. By this time St.Paul street was getting busy with Brock students. The first two bars we went into had no seating. So we ended up at the bar formerly known as Millennium. It has a new name but since the Millennium chairs are still there and it basically looks the same I’ll just refer to it as Millennium. We played some pool, had some drinks and enjoyed most of the live band that was playing. I think the band was called Roosevelt but I can’t find any info on them. *shrug* We returned to Gord’s for last call. If you recall the Gord’s/Shooters days of old. Gord’s is now basically was Shooters was 20 years ago. Ho-hum.

I was a little surprised to see the chaos unfolding on St.Paul street as drunken frat boy types spilled out of the bars. There were people wandering all over the road not paying any attention to cars, traffic or anything around them. I’d be shocked if someone wasn’t injured. Especially since St.Paul keeps changing whether it is one way or bi-directional. We saw cars running stop signs on St.Paul all night long. We all wondering if we acted with such reckless douchbaggery back in the day. We hoped that we did not…

It was a great night. Lots of laughs. It was awesome to see the guys. We get so few chance to do that these days.

For breakfast we stopped at the new staple Blueline in the Falls. They create such a great atmosphere there and the staff is exceptional. We wandered around the hockey memorabilia for quite awhile before we left.

Bdot was busy in my absence. She had more of the kitchen unpacked and the art back up on the walls. It is a joy to have a functional kitchen back!

Weekend’s Bdotism : “Carrots are shit.“

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