...a place to bury thoughts

Happy birthday google

September 27, 2013 @ 08:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

music, www, google, Sound City

google is 15!

google is 15!

With the many megacorps out there you eventually have to get in bed with one of them. Lots of people like Apple, some Samsungโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve been using many of googleโ€™s products for years. Iโ€™ve been pretty happy with the relationship so far. So, happy birthday big G. They celebrated with a little game on their front page. Well done, they are usually all HTML5 as well.

Not sure what was going on this morning on the commute in. Douchbaggery aplenty. Then I get into work to hear a co-worker witnessed an accident. Slow the fsck down people. Dead people are late for everything.

Happy to report that phase one of the backyard reno has been completed! Presently it looks like hell however because we are running power to new patio we put in. So โ€“ there is a massive trench running from the house all the way to the back of the yard for the power cables. The power will be hooked up next week so that will be awesome. We also had the base for a future pergola put in. One dayโ€ฆ The patio itself we are very happy with. It has a nice pear shape and the brick is Earth tones. Certainly looking forward to taking advantage of the shade back there next year.

Watched the incredible rock and roll documentary Sound City produced by Dave Grohl. An absolute must watch for music nerds. Full of musical passion, musical history and performances from numerous bands. Enjoyable, insightful and fascinating from numerous angles. โญโญโญโญยฝ

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