...a place to bury thoughts

Sad goodbyes

February 27, 2012 @ 09:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, friends, hockey, Buffalo Sabres, Alton Mill, Kev and Suz, Warcraft

Ring option?

Ring option?

It is an exciting day for hockey fans as it is trade deadline day for the NHL! The Sabres could potentially be big players today as they possess some highly coveted pieces other teams desire. Will Darcy find trades he likes? The rumours around Roy and Gaustad have been swirling around for weeks. As I’ve said before… I’d trade Roy for a lemon Danish, Gaustad is more difficult for me to cut loose, as he is one of the few bigger guys on the team – that said, a first round pick would be impossible to pass up. We will wait and see sports fans! The decision to buy or sell was further complicated by the Sabres taking 3 of 4 points vs. the top teams in the Eastern Conference over weekend. Playoffs this year still remain a pipe dream so… *shrug* I’m shocked to see the Habs in last, no rioting has been reported so far….

Habs last

Habs last

Anyway… the weekend… somehow I managed to double book myself on Saturday with a massage and a haircut at the same time. *eyeroll* I decided to rebook the haircut, I’m not sure that was a good decision as my hair is starting to get pretty unruly. Hopefully my stylist will get back to me soon with a new appointment. This weekend was the final weekend our friends Kev and Suz will be in Ontario. We took off for Guelph for the goodbye party right after my massage. We decided to stop at the Alton Mill hoping to find a parting gift for K & S. We lucked out and found a nice piece of pottery for them. After that business was dealt with with looked around at some of the artisans at the Mill. We spent a lot of time look at rings at Gallery Gemma. Bdot found a bunch of interesting options for herself including some three ring combinations and some very unique artistic rings. It looks like I’ll need to ask for a raise. *frown* I looked at the solitary display case for Men’s rings and actually found one ring that felt really nice on my finger – shown above. It was the first ring I’ve actually liked the feel of wearing. I guess what looks good on my finger is not what I thought I’d like. I liked the idea of a rounded, dark, thick ring… but rounded looks odd, dark doesn’t work with my skin tone and a thick ring also didn’t look right… So essentially the opposite of what I initially thought I wanted is what actually looks right. Gah. I think more investigation will be required… I do want something very unique and distinctive, I’m not sure the Mirell ring fits the bill. Maybe. *heh* I’m surprised this is such a tough decision. After looking at rings we looked at the art galleries and naturally found several impressive pieces… I think we will add Alton Mill gift certificates as a wedding gift option. *grin*

We finally arrived at K & S’ place late in the afternoon. It was immediately apparent they were moving. The lawn had a sold sign on it and there was a pod in their driveway. *Phew* *InstaSad* We hung out with them for a bit then drove over to the party across town in Guelph. I didn’t have anything to do with the planning of the party, I was a little surprised to find that it was held at one of K & S’ friend’s parent’s house… It was a great place but getting drunk in front of Mom and Dad wasn’t going to happen. It was more of a dinner party than a typical booze and music party. It was still fun. There were a lot of stories and memories shared of times spent with K & S by everyone present. My favourite involving Suz at a wedding and Kancho! Damn Suz. Dinner was amazing and dessert was cupcakes. I think Kev requested a special bacon and maple cupcake for me. I nearly cried. It was delicious. The Guelph friends pulled money together and got them a stunning print of the Church of our Lady in Guelph. The night wound down pretty early as K & S were getting tired by midnight… They have had a pretty long week of packing and moving stress I’m sure.

In the morning we had a delicious breakfast at eggcetra in Guelph. Finally a place that understands what scrabbled eggs well done means, also their bacon was amazing. Yum. After breakfast we returned to K & S’ house to meet Alex who is taking their dog Cairo for a few months as K & S adjust out West. After talking for a few hours there was a tearful goodbye. We don’t have many close friends so it was hard saying goodbye to K & S. We have always had a unique and very comfortable friendship with them. I’m sure we will see them at some point out West, but they will be dearly missed, we’ve had a lot of good times together. *sniff*

After getting home we indulged in Thai for dinner since it was finally open. My parents stopped in for a short visit as they were in transit home from my sister’s. (Thanks for the lovely blanket sis… it is beautiful!) We wanted to get a visit in since they will be in away for a month down in Myrtle Beach. Hopefully they will have good weather and good golfing. Fore!

In disturbing local news, a VIA train derailed in Burlington (the city I work in)… the cause isn’t initially known and sadly several VIA staff died in the tragic accident. Sad news.

I’ve decided to cancel my World of Warcraft subscription. I guess if I found the right people to play with it would be fun, but I never have… I still enjoy PVP. I will miss it, but it is the only aspect of the game I enjoy so I could no longer justify keeping my account active. It can be a fun game. I may return at some point but for now I’ll persue other more interesting games. For the Horde! I guess Blizzard will keep my character on ice.

My warcraft rogue Morbiden.

My warcraft rogue Morbiden.

Trade Deadline Update! : Huh! Darcy trades Gaustad and a 4th to Nashville for a 1st! I’d say that is a deal! Goose is a UFA at the end of the season, so if the price is right he could return to Buffalo. I’m a little concerned about losing some team toughness, and he was great on special teams… but it would impossible to pass up a first round pick for a role player. Disappointed that Roy remains a Sabre and nothing else was done… I guess the next deadline is July 1.

Whoa! Darcy wasn’t done! Sabres traded Kassian and Gragnani to Vancouver for Hodgson and Sulzer. Well… I’m concerned about the immediate lack of toughness… but Hodgson sounds like a brilliant acquisition. A strong, young, CENTER with great potential… I’m very eager to see him play in Buffalo. I’m a little sad to see Zack go… He is being judged a lot on his short stay in Buffalo. I’m not sure what he will develop into… but I thought he was exactly the type of player the Sabres so desperately need… A strong gritty forward who can drop the gloves if needed. That said, Darcy has acquired enough picks the he should be able to get whatever the Sabres are lacking in the next draft or trade the picks for a player. I can’t believe Darcy has impressed me. Again… time will tell on trades, but they look very promising!

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