...a place to bury thoughts

Fore! a good time callโ€ฆ

September 5, 2011 @ 08:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, golf, home, Limitless, nIVEK, Shanty Bay



As scheduled, Friday night I met up with KK. We ended up heading over to Vaughan Mills. KK thought there were a few pool tables in the bar area of Lucky Strike (the bowling arena) he was right! The bar area was pretty full when we arrived, lots of kids and parentsโ€ฆ they all magically disappeared at 10PM. We played back and forth trading games all night. Good times. It seemed to be cheaper than our previous pool hall, so Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ll be return in the future.

Saturday was pretty lazy. We got groceries, walked the dog. In the evening we planned on going out to a movieโ€ฆ I guess the movies playing cycled this week because the movies we wanted to see were gone. Nothing playing on Saturday was worth going out to see. *Price is Right Fail Horn* Fortunately, we have a cache of movies as backup. We decided on watching Limitless. It was quite a trip. The premise was a down and out writer gets introduced to a wonder drug that allows you to use augmented brain power. The story then shows the writer transforming himself into a genius aided by the magic pills. It was quite entertaining and Bradley Cooper was a solid lead.

Sunday we ventured up to my sisterโ€™s for a golf date with her, my brother-in-law, and my parents. The six of us have golfed before, and we played Men v. Women best ball. Best ball worked out really well before so we did it again yesterday. We golfed at Shanty Bay. The Men went early to shoot a bucket of balls. The Women went into Orillia to do some shopping. When we started golfing it was overcast. Third holes in it was raining. Then it stopped. It rained again around hole nine then, again stoppedโ€ฆ and of course just as we were getting dry, on the last hole, yes, more rain. Even in less than stellar conditions we all had an enjoyable day of golf. It was a long afternoon. 18 holes took us close to 5.5 hrs to complete. My play improved once I gave up on my driver. It was horrible. Anywayyy the Men ended up with 86, the Women 88. Both teams played great! Dinner, prepared by Chef BiL was amazing as always. We enjoyed two pies for dessert a coconut/strawberry pie & peach pie and my family had a chance to wish bdot a happy birthdayโ€ฆ Gawd, I felt like a strapped on a tire to my belly I was so full. A fun day.

new plants

new plants

Today I spent a few hours finally get to some yard work. I pulled and ripped a big bucket of weeds from the backyard. Soon the chemicals hopefully will finish the job. Damn weeks. Damn ragweed. Gah. Soโ€ฆ it was nice to spend some time looking a nice plants today at Plant Paradise. We really liked the shade garden they have planted and decided we are going to try and replicate it in our front garden. If the garden ends up looking anything like hers then it should be amazing! Iโ€™ll try not to think about the bundle we dropped on all the new plants and flowers. We decided to take the dog in Albion Hills for a hike after plant shopping. By this time we were both tired and hungry. This is always a recipe for disaster. Yesterday was no exception. Fortunately, there were no fatalities.

Google honours Freddie Mercury

Google honours Freddie Mercury

Google is honouring Freddie Mercury today. I thought that was pretty cool.

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