...a place to bury thoughts

Fantastic Fall

October 22, 2012 @ 10:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Fall, hiking, Five Year Engagement, Mono Cliffs, Wedding

Mono Cliffs in the Fall

Mono Cliffs in the Fall

It has been a week now since the Wedding. Iโ€™m finally recovered from that massive day. It was physically and emotionally drainingโ€ฆ

For various reasons we didnโ€™t end up doing the traditional post-wedding honeymoon. Nothing was traditional our wedding anyway. We did have a few days of downtime in Collingwood topped off with a day at the Spa. The spa is great for forcing you stop and do nothing. If that is the only thing it achieves it is still worth the trip. We may take a โ€˜vacationโ€™ in December or the Springโ€ฆ It is TBD based on vacation days and money. We do have a wedding to pay for after all.

I mercifully just had two days of work last week. My co-workers were full of questions and interest in the wedding. That felt nice.

This weekend we got back to reality more or less. Saturday we tripped over to Caledon East to pay our awesome caterer. That ended up turning into a visit as we reflected on the Wedding day. Afterwards we did a lovely fall hike in Glen Haffy. We followed the โ€˜red trailโ€™ which eventually matched up with a section of the Bruce Trail. A highly recommended hike. It was full of brilliant fall colour. For dinner we savoured our wedding feast again with Beef Bourguignon and chilled out to the Five Year Engagement. It had a few laughs but was pretty typical for the romantic comedy genre. I may have enjoyed it more since I downed a entire bottle of Muskoka Harvest Ale myself. *Hic*

Sunday was another gorgeous fall day. We took the dog hiking again. This time back to Mono Cliffs. Clearly we werenโ€™t alone in noticing the great day. The road into the park was packed with cars. There were people hiking with cameras everywhere. We couldnโ€™t release the Kraken until we were off the main trailโ€ฆ Caledon is such a great place to live if you enjoy hiking.

Hockey remains no where in sight with both sides continuing to bicker and showcase without doing any meaningful discussion. Great job assholes.

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