...a place to bury thoughts

Falling away from you

September 23, 2020 @ 06:09 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Home, Work

Nado hike

Nado hike

Well I said I would try and blog once a week. So here it is. Even with Monday off โ€“ it felt like the weekend zipped by. We did do a soul crushing, expensive Costco run โ€“ so that killed a day. I got a haircut and ran some errands Saturday (replacing my clip-ons which on at the bottom of a lake)โ€ฆ

We blew through Season 1 of Away. Even through you have to suspend scientific reason at times โ€“ and it was needlessly melodramatic at times, it was still pretty entertaining. It does make me wonder why we arenโ€™t actually doing these things. I think there are *plans* to set a permanent base on the Moon and maybe, someone, someday get to Marsโ€ฆ but they donโ€™t seem real at this time.

We did get to Glen Echo for some shrubs. The back slope has been neglected for a long time. The shrubs initially planned there were destroyed by rabbits or my weeding them. So it has turned into a disappointing eyesore. Well, we now have a ton of shrubs for the space. Just need the time to plant. Which is much more of a challenge that may have been anticipated.

Work continues to be a drag. There arenโ€™t many tasks here I *enjoy*. But one of the few was passed off to another employee yesterday without explanation. Iโ€™ve been doing this task for about a year. Sigh. And worse, tasks I donโ€™t enjoy have been their replacement. The resume has been dusted off. Hopefully I can find something more fulfilling soon.

The A808 crushes.

Our nephew had emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix โ€“ he is doing okay and is recovering at home.

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