...a place to bury thoughts

Entering 5th decade….*gasp*

November 26, 2011 @ 10:11 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, friends, geeky, Captain, nIVEK, Walking Dead

Er. Thanks google.

Er. Thanks google.

Yup. It’s true. The big 4-0 today. Just taking a short break… Having a bunch of friends over tonight so, lots to do…I’ll add more later.

What a great birthday weekend! Sure the prep was crazy… almost to the extent that you are too tired to actually enjoy the evening… but I think bdot and I did okay. I was happy to see so many friends turn out for my birthday party. I know how busy people are, especially those with kids… and Bolton is close for well, probably no one one, so appreciate the effort people made to attend.

It was a fun night for sure! I don’t recall the last time I laughed so much. My buddy Dean who I’ve know since grade 7, so well over two cough decades met my sister for the first time Saturday! Ha! How did that happen? I didn’t even know… I thought that was pretty weird. We spent a ton of time getting the upstairs living room ready for the party. The night of the party I don’t think the living room was used at all… somehow we managed to cram everyone downstairs into the Great Room. The men were all glued to the Habs/Pens game, the women huddled together in front of the fireplace. I don’t think everyone knew everyone at the party… hockey seemed to be a good conversation starter amongst the men. I don’t know what the women were talking about… I would guess shoes, purses, shopping, painting their nails, kids, hair and Kim Kardashian big booty. (kidding to some degree 😛) Bdot put a lot of thought into the evening and it showed. The food (I thought) was amazing and plentiful. She even made two punches (wine cranberry and apple cider) both seemed to disappear rapidly. I guess the word got out that I like Rum. I received several bottles of aged or premium rum (including one from my sister-in-law et al who stopped in earlier in the day for a short visit with the kids) so I’m set for awhile! Especially since I don’t think I’ll be drinking 7 (or is it 12?) year old Rum any old night. Hmm, well, maybe. *smirk*

YARRR drink the rum

YARRR drink the rum

The cake was incredibly decadent. Everyone had a piece. There was only one left over. Enough said? Damn. I also received many thoughtful gifts… I won’t mention all of them but Captain (AKA Pass out Patrick – ha! ha! :P) found me a Learn drums DVD and a book written by Police drummer Steward Copeland one of my favourite drummers both very personal, thoughtful gifts, well done mate and bdot got me the piece de resistance for my drum set… wow…. a Pearl double bass pedal set! As KK likes to mention, most of the music we listen to has double bass in it… It opens up so many musical options, and hell, double bass is just fun. Thanks hon! (Yes, I feel very lucky to have a spouse that will buy her mate something like that…I’ve felt very blessed all week by the lengths she has gone (to exhaustion) to make this occasion memorable and special for me. XOXO @ bdot) People left at various time throughout the night. Only Captain, Jenn and Big Jeffer stayed the night. The offer was open to anyone who wanted to stay however. Unfortunately we didn’t take any photos during the evening. Bah. Oh yeah, have to mention Suz also brought me some yummy sugar. There is only one left. *smirk*

Sugar cookies get in my belly!

Sugar cookies get in my belly!

Sunday was slow moving. I didn’t really drink to excess so I was feeling decent post-party morning. One of the few benefits I guess of aging is that you have been there and done that and usually know your limitations. After breakfast and goodbyes with Captain and Jenn (Big J took off before I was even awake!) bdot and I reluctantly went out to do some shopping. We got Christmas greenery for the urns bdot decorates for the front of the house. This involves decisions that seem to take forever. After that we drove into Brampton to stop at Future Shop. Bdot wanted to compare e-readers. Apparently it was a bit of a hassle getting the salesman to open a boxed e-reader so we could look at it… he did though, and was actually quite helpful. Bdot has decided the Sony 6″ eBook Reader with Wi-Fi model (PRST1BC) was the winner. It was an impressive little device and e-ink is amazing to read by. To milk the birthday weekend we decided to get Thai for dinner but stuck to only three items. We can do some serious damage to our bank account ordering Thai… so we’ve tried limiting the number of delicious dishes we ordered. The rest of the evening I finally had some gaming downtime and wandering around Skyrim. The visuals continue to impress as do the random little gameplay events that occur. Such as a bandit taking an arrow in chest and falling off a tower in front of me very dead with a big thud. I also watched the Walking Dead season finale and it was very entertaining and sets up for an interesting next season! Apparently new episodes in February. That will be a long wait!

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