...a place to bury thoughts

Crumbling Democracy

May 12, 2022 @ 07:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Politics, Ukraine, Tottenham Hotspur FC



Disappointing to see the attempt to codify Women’s Rights as a Federal law failed due to the Rep*blicans. Hardly surprising I guess. It is full of mediocre, bought men who know nothing about what they vote for and care nothing about the people they are supposed to be representing. Their failures will hurt Rep*blican women the most. What a sad day for democracy. I shudder to think of the avalanche of regressive policies that will unfold after this. Why don’t the Rep*blicans just enact Sharia law in the U.S.? It seems it is what they want.

Watched a bit of the Federal Con debate yesterday. Charest seemed a bit nuts. His enthusiasm came across with a lack of composure. Pretty disappointing as he was (what I thought) to be the best centrist option. I liked Scott Aitchison and Patrick Brown – they seemed calm and thoughtful. P*ilievre, although well-spoken seemed like snake-oil salesman. Anyone with a defund the CBC platform can fuck off. Baber seemed okay, I don’t think he is charismatic enough to win the job. Lewis seemed smart and the only one to call out P*ilievre on his BS, so that gets some respect from me. Really anyone but P*ilievre would be fine. Fuck P*ilievre.

Had a full day in office yesterday. Running around the entire time – I don’t think I even had a proper lunch. I’ll be in the office every Wednesday into the foreseeable future.

Lots of exciting NHL playoff games last night. A lot heading to 6 or 7 games. Bolts face elimination against the Loafs tonight.

It feels like Summer has arrived, as temps at hitting mid to high twenties. Which is actually not that hot…

Some truly barbaric acts of violence and war crimes by the Russians have been captured on video against innocent civilians (again and again). I hope these animals are held accountable. Just disgusting.

Fortunately, there is also beauty in the World

Fortunately, there is also beauty in the World

Go Spurs

Go Spurs

Tottenham v. Arsenal in the North London Darby. Tot’s stadium is crazy… look at this place! 😮

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