...a place to bury thoughts

Merry Christmas 2022

December 27, 2022 @ 09:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

World U18 Juniors, Christmas, Harry and Megan

Boxed Moch

Boxed Moch

The big Winter storm that is pounding Canada and North Eastern U.S. pretty much missed us in Caledon. We were supposed to go up to the cottage for a few nights but the snowfall there, just 2h North, is a completely different story. The SiL and family are pretty much snowed in at their cottage. The road is paved but the long driveway to the cottage isn’t. There is presently nowhere to park and it is still snowing. The arrival date has been postponed twice. Gasp! Princess girl panther

Princess girl panther

We had a fairly quiet Christmas day. It started with a nice walk in Palgrave. My Mom was over for the day. She brought yummy cabbage rolls and perogies, Santa found the house as there were many presents under our tree. It was a bit weird, no sibling, no BiL. We had a short call with my Sister and other BiL, They are moved into their new place and seem to be happy now in Kamloops. We opted not to make a turkey for three people. Instead, I BBQed a tenderloin. It seemed to work out fine, it was a nice change. Bdot made an incredible Tiramisu for dessert. Everyone had seconds. After dinner, we relaxed and watched the Netflix docudrama Harry and Megan. What a sad story it was. For a declining institution like the monarchy, they sure blew a no-brainer chance at possible relevance. The nod-nod-wink-wink relationship between the British press and monarchy is pretty seedy and stank of greed and contempt. Everyone involved in the tabloid process sickens me. If you are buying those rags (it is NOT journalism) then you share in the sadness the tabloids have brought the royals. They are not your playthings in media jails like a zoo, they are people. The sense of entitlement was shocking – I thought the British had a modicum of civility and class. Clearly, that is not the case. I enjoyed the series. It was sad to watch. I’m happy M&H got out of ‘the system’. It is clear nothing was learned from the tragic death of Diana. I guess as long as the tabloid rags are making money, who cares who it harms right? Sickos. I enjoyed the inside look at the bloated system of the British monarchy. I think it is time to end it. It clearly brings more pain than joy. ⭐⭐⭐⭐. yummy, please sir, may I have s’more?

yummy, please sir, may I have s’more?

Wow, Canada’s first game against Czechia was a calamity of errors. They were selfish, undisciplined and looked nothing like a team. A bad five-minute major was the turning point. The Czechs were able to defend the entire 3rd and deserved the win. Canada has had poor starts before in the Juniors but wow… last night was ra really forgettable performance.

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