...a place to bury thoughts

Bruised Ice

April 15, 2013 @ 10:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

hockey, Buffalo Sabres, tanga, Yamaha RX-V573

Frozen branch. Brr.

Frozen branch. Brr.

I finally got out to play ball hockey on Tuesday night with bdot’s work husband (BWH). It is a bit of a drive, and like I need to be driving more (sigh…), but I need to exercise and forcing myself to go do it is likely the only way it will happen. It makes for a long day but it’s fun. They play in a small gym with no windows. It is remarkable how much you can run around in a small gym with no windows. It is also remarkable how hot it gets. And it is only April… I’m used to playing around 40m with 4 or more subs, not 80m with 2 subs. Oh gawd. Additionally, I haven’t played for over a year. Needless to say, I’m only getting over my aches and pains today, three days later. I can’t imagine how the other guys are doing… I think I was one of the youngest there. Sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. It is a good bunch of guys. They play hard but fair. I think BWH said they have been playing together for over 15 years. Holy crap. I was sucking serious air by the end of the games… Yes they play two games….I guess running around for an hour isn’t enough? Heh.

April means rain in Ontario. It has been cold enough that the rain has been the evil cousin freezing rain. Fortunately the temperature isn’t cold enough for ice on the roads otherwise it would be chaos. Trees however have not been so lucky. There is a lot of damage and power outages throughout Southern Ontario. Blah. Makes for cool photos though.

We might be going to London this weekend to see Tanga’s breeder and her new litter of Vizsla. NO we aren’t getting another dog. It seems like it has been ages since we’ve been there. We’ll see how it goes.

Awhile back I discovered my Yamaha RX-V573 was dead after only a few weeks use. I got it back from an awesome repair tech yesterday. Apparently there was some manufacturers defects with the power cord that cause a bunch of damage. This is pretty disappointing. He said he has repaired three like this already with the same issue. Yamaha QA -1. That said, I’m very happy to have my stereo setup back.

Ahh my beloved Sabres. They aren’t even going to make the heroic run to eighth this year. No. Instead they are going out with a whimper and a chorus of boos. I’m out of works to describe how disappointing it is to see the Sabres holding on to their GM Darcy Reiger. Apparently the Sabres top brass are drunk on Darcy kool-aid. Look at the results man! Look at the results…

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