...a place to bury thoughts

Delightful dinners

April 2, 2013 @ 10:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

food, Family, Palgrave



The Easter weekend has come and gone. I guess no one told Mother Nature. It is unseasonably cold… last night’s low was -7. Brrr. It looks like it will remain cold for at least another week. Blah. Cold without useful snow makes me want to move on to warmer temperatures.

Friday, which seems like some time ago, we had plans for dinner at my parents in Niagara. My Brother in Law (BiL) met us in Bolton to get a drive down with us. My sister was in Hamilton so we met up with her there after stopping at Starbucks for badly needed caffeine stop. We were in the Main St. West area toward Dundas which was bustling with activity as it was quite a warm afternoon. The Niagara bound QEW was pretty busy and we had to detour to the South Service road due to a car fire – which was completely out by the time we passed it. The afternoon was full of talk and tech. I had my usual IT repair/update questions for my Dad’s computer and Mom’s tablet. I think I got them both straightened out. My parents cat Tristen was in really rough shape. He is an older cat, formerly my sister’s. My parents said they were intending on putting him down this week. It sure looked like it was time to me. He has been around them a long time. He used to travel to the trailer in Ennismore with them for many Summers. He has been in the family for years and it will be a sad passing.

My mother cooked up a delicious turkey dinner with pirogi and chocolate cake for dessert. The cake was for my BiL for his birthday many moons ago; we both had a massive slice of cake. Thanks for the yummy meal (and leftovers!). To settle our stomachs we went for a walk down to Lake Ontario. It was an incredibly clear night and you could see Toronto clearly. My BiL snapped a pic, but it doesn’t really do it justice. I have been helping proof my sister’s essays for her college course. I said it was work worthy of a chocolate moose. I got a chocolate cow instead. The chocolate cow lived a very short life.

The Easter dinners continued Saturday with dinner at my Sister in Law’s place in Aurora. First however we picked up a headboard for our bed in Vaughan from Home Sense. So it ended up being a lot of driving. Bolton to Aurora. Aurora to Vaughan. Vaughan to Bolton. Bolton back to Aurora. Curiously I’m in the car the same amount of time everyday commuting to Burlington. Our nephews were pretty engaged by their computers/tablets etc. when we arrived. Medium R, the eldest nephew was busy playing minecraft. It looks like a modern online form of Lego with kids building all sorts of things in a virtual word. Bdot and her sister spent most of the afternoon creating new Ukrainian eggs. Bdot’s birthday boy brother hung out the afternoon as well. Bdot’s BiL cooked up a BBQ feast of Ribs and Wings. I ate as much as my belly could handle. Mmmm meat. Having three young nephews you can expect pretty much anything to happen, such as the youngest running around the dinner table followed by his naked brother yelling ‘Give me back my pants!’. Yup. After watching a series of ‘balls’ videos on youtube (really balls and The 1812 song… nothing off colour here :P) the boys reluctantly were sent off to bed. We took this as our cue to leave. Random driveby capture, would have been a better shot if I had time to center it properly.

Sunday felt like a recovery day. We didn’t manage much beyond some housecleaning and a walk with the dog in Palgrave forest. Sunday night has become the best night for TV. Game of Thrones is back, thank Gawd because Walking Dead Season 2 has ended. I’m also enjoying History Channel’s Vikings so far. The Walking Dead Season 2 ending was pretty anti-climatic IMHO. It didn’t resolve much. The psycho ‘governor’ is still around and now the prison has even more people. Ho-hum. Sunday night’s dinner was amazing. Bdot made a citrus flavoured ham (orange and pineapple), scallop potatoes and green beans. I had two helpings. It is amazing I didn’t need a nap….

I lucked into having Monday off. I got the car in, perhaps shortsightedly, to have the tires changes to Summers. Yup, it is snowing outside and I’m taking my Winter tires off. Sigh. The afternoon was a mix of housework and gaming. The best household job by far is cleaning up the backyard in Spring after a Winter’s worth of dog using it as a toilet. Bah.

So far my Sabres have traded PJ Brennen, Regehr and Leopold. A start. The big three are still here as is Stafford and Hecht. Keep going Darcy there is a lot of work still to be done. Keeping these players will yield the same result and keep Buffalo in hockey purgatory.

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