...a place to bury thoughts

OK Google, Merry Christmas

December 16, 2018 @ 10:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

Computers, movies, Humber College, The Grinch

Final project of term one is submitted

Final project of term one is submitted

Term one is finally over. I’m eagerly awaiting my marks and feedback from my professors. This program was ‘restructured’ from previous years and it showed. There were certainly some bumps with deadlines and content as the term unfolded. I think the load wasn’t well-balanced course to course. With a massive amount of content dropping in the programming course. I have learned a ton and look forward to next term. I’ll repost once I get my marks.

Yesterday we visited Aurora (sadly the SiL was sick) to see a movie with the nephews. The film of choice was The Grinch. I’m a little surprised by so many harsh reviews… with both audience and critics having the film under 60%. I thought it was fun. I also think it is silly to expect academy award plots and dialogue from what is clearly a children’s movie.

After the movie, we wandered around Upper Canada Mall for a while. Bot was on an info gathering mission about sports watches which was mostly a failure. Every store that had the watches she wanted were locked under glass, could not be tried on and could not be taken out of the box… Soooooooo…??? How are you going to evaluate fit and weight on your wrist? A sports watch is generally quite bigger than a typical watch. Silly stuff. We had pizza in the new Market area in the mall. It was a bit pricey but a better offering than the food court.

I’ve been pulling a lot of late nights for the past week… looking forward to some downtime. It looks like it will be a green Christmas. Hmpt.

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