...a place to bury thoughts

Work Weekend Away

December 6, 2017 @ 10:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, gaming, cottage, Heritage fish and chips, Horizon Zero Dawn, PS4

The fire can always be higher

The fire can always be higher

Bdot was awake last weekend at BBB’s in Bethany. She met up with a bunch of friends (etc.) for the annual cookie exchange. It is painful having a freezer FULL of cookies and not being able to eat their delicious, sweet awesomeness. Mmmmm….

While she was way I enjoyed some Heritage fish and chips. I’ve determined I don’t need the Cristal of fish (Halibut) when Haddock is cheaper and you get a bigger portion. Next time for sure! I spent the weekend at Barb’s SiL’s cottage with her BiL for a “Boy’s Weekend”. It was fun but we (Bill and Pete) did work for hours outside which I wasn’t expecting, so I didn’t have proper attire. We chopped, stacked and burned tons of wood. Racked leaves, and cleaned up the entire area on one side of the cottage. It certainly looked a lot better once we were done. So of course, we burned stuff, lots of stuff. (See above)

In the evening we had a great steak dinner. Bill set up a stereo with a record player and brought up a collection of old vinyl. Wow… it has been decades since I spun some vinyl. It still has a warm, rich sound… Rush, Hip, Genesis, Metallica… Good times. Bill also set up his “keginator” downstairs, so we enjoyed his Coffee Porter, it is soooo good. It was a fun weekend with the Boys.

Misty Morning at the cottage

Misty Morning at the cottage

I treated myself to a new PS4 game for my birthday. I picked up Horizon Zero Dawn. What a score! It is a fantastic game. Open world, RPG, stealth, quests… beautiful graphics, crafting, cool UI,…So far I’m really enjoying it.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

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