...a place to bury thoughts

Back to work

July 5, 2011 @ 05:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

home, Buffalo Sabres, work

The last day of the weekend was a busy housework day. We both worked most of the day. Outdoors : Moved more rocks, more dirt, removed more weeds… the dirt pile of doom is finally looking beatable. One more day of shoveling and it should be gone. Then we’ll tarp the gardens and rest as sunless weeds die. Joy. Inside : Laundry, put away laundry, steam cleaned the carpets, moved some furniture… by the evening we were both beat. I once again seemed to do too much and re-aggravated my lower back pain. Aging sucks. Monday meant multiple Advil… only today does it feel better. I hope I don’t mess it up at ball hockey tonight. The game I missed was a slaughter… An ugly 11-0 beat down. I can only imagine that no one showed… A full team, however, would have only minimized that carnage. It may have been close if they played the game with an empty net. There is no parity in this league.

bdot is off to California next week. So I’m a bachelor for a few days…

The initial NHL trade deadline blitz is done. I think teams are looking for trades now. The Sabres look solid defensively at all eight slots. I would expect Miller should face less rubber this year… in turn various benefits year long. The offense… well… I’m still not sure… I think the new additions may improve the powerplay. Ehrhoff is an offensive d-man so I expect some points there. My uncertainty is still with the Sabres’ centres. I still don’t see a clear number one centre on the team. Will a trade come? Hopefully. Roy is a great second. Leino… well, talk about a wildcard… IMHO best case scenario for him he’s a second line centre. I know Darcy is looking at trades… hopefully he’ll find someone. What will cost? The offseason continues to be intriguing.

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