...a place to bury thoughts

Winter in Canada

January 27, 2014 @ 08:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, caledon, gaming, weather, Winter

Closed? It wasn’t THAT bad. Really need landscape photos. *eyeroll*

Closed? It wasn’t THAT bad. Really need landscape photos. *eyeroll*

It has been a miserable Winter for commuting. Fortunately my employer is sympathetic and understanding for my repeated tardiness. It is the GTA. I don’t really think there is any way around it unless I get a key and always leave 30m-40m early every day. Which is unrealistic. Regardless of my commute, it is obvious the infrastructure around the GTA is inadequate for the population. I don’t see any leadership from any party offering solutions. It is a huge and expensive problem. It makes me fume at the sale of the 407. Harris what an idiot. 99 year lease. *facepalm* How fscking short sighted.

The weather has been very cold for weeks now. The lows dipping into the -20 to -30 range. Brrrrr. Even so we’ve been regularly taking advantage of the hot-tub. On a clear, quiet night it really is a tranquil and soothing experience. I don’t know why people wouldn’t use their tubs in the Winter.

Saturday, despite less than idea driving conditions, we drove up to Barrie. Bdot wanted some yarn, we had a return to MEC and plans to meet my sister and JP for dinner. Bdot started the day with a nasty visit to the dentist. Yes, she was kicking herself for setting an appointment for first thing on a Saturday. It certainly didn’t put her in a stellar mood. Since the Subaru is in the shop we drove the Vibe to Barrie. Driving a car other than a Subaru really shows why you get a Subaru, especially when driving conditions are poor. The Vibe is on its way out and purchasing something other than another Subaru (maybe get a used one?) will be difficult. Anyway, we made a brief stop at Chapters before heading downtown Barrie for dinner. Ahh books. It really would be nice if Caledon would get a Chapters. I’m sure I’ve said this before.

Dinner. The original thought was the Keg. But you can’t make a reservation on a Saturday night (er??) so it is first come, first serve. By the time we got there the parking lot was exploding and the wait for a table was 60-70 minutes. Next! So we drove downtown… there were a ton of options. We settled on Thai at Chaopaya. It was my first time there and we were all impressed with the delicious food we ate. We didn’t leave a morsel on the table. The service was a little slow, but friendly and considerate. I’d definitely go back. After dinner we chilled out with a coffee in front of the fireplace at Casa Cappuccino. It’s an interesting place. While there a poetry contest was about to begin. It would have been fun to listen but we needed to get home. It was a busy day but we enjoyed dinner and the evening.

Sunday was the usual housework blur. We worked in a walk with the crazy dog on the HVHT. She hasn’t had many walk in these frigid conditions. For something a little different we walked on the snow covered, frozen Humber river itself. It is clearly popular with animals as there were tracks everywhere. Cool stuff. In the evening we started watching American Hustle. 93% in RT? Really. Come on…. it is soooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooooooow…. The plot unfolds so painfully slowly that we lost interest and turned it off to watch Game of Thrones. Sure the acting is good but…. boooooooooooooooooooring. Not sure what we are missing there.

2014 Winter Olympics are not too far off. 11 days 0 hours 33 minutes 51 seconds. I sure hope there isn’t any BS to ruin the games. It sure is sounding like there is a massive military presence there. Sigh. What I expect from Russia however… dumb to host it there.

I’ve been playing a few turn based RPGs (thanks Steam) Blackguards, Might & Magic Legacy, Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Shadowrun Returns. All of which have been pretty fun and all rating 70+ on metacritic. I’m getting excited about a bunch of PS4 titles this year as well… Thief and Witcher 3 are at the top of the waiting list. Sure would be nice if the PS4 media patch would be released as well….>__>

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