...a place to bury thoughts

Final Week

April 22, 2019 @ 07:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

Hiking, Forks of the Credit Provincial Park, Humber College

Train tracks through Forks of the Credit Provincial Park

Train tracks through Forks of the Credit Provincial Park

As T.S. Eliot said: April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain.

The rain has been pretty unrelenting. It is hard to complain however… some Canadians have it much worse, as the news is reporting flooding all over Eastern Canada. And, water damage is the worst…

So – with rain stopping yesterday, we headed out for a hike. The first stop, however, was at Caledon Cycling. We picked up a Parks pass and some highly discounted biking jerseys. Since we were already in the area, and thought we had free parking with the new pass, we went to the main entrance of Forks of the Credit. Our pass covers the entrance to many parks in the area, but not Forks of the Credit. It is actually a Provincial Park… In all the years we have been going to it, I guess that little fact eluded us. *shrug*

The Park was rammed with people taking advantage of the holiday weekend and the relatively good weather. We were surprised to find the ground quite dry. The benefit of having a lot of sand in the area we figured. It turned out to be a perfect day to hike. Fairly warm and no rain. The viewing area near ‘The Falls’ is all fenced off. I’m not sure why… It ruins the ‘loop’ hike we are used to doing.

We met a couple hiking the trail for the first time and they were quite disappointed with the barrier. People were still walking on the viewing area, and the stairs are still intact, so again, I don’t know what the issue is. We thought maybe erosion? Anyway, we helped the couple with a big dog and baby navigate their way to the stairs so they could continue their walk.

Pond along the trail

Pond along the trail

Is was good to get some air. It certainly feels like it has been a long time since we hiked.

My final week of school is coming up. I have a few presentations of my ‘portfolio’ site and two assignments to complete – then I’m done. While I believe the course could be structured significantly better (and I told them this) – I learned a ton. My portfolio site is full of content and I believe demonstrates how much I have learned over the past year. Soon, I’ll be onto the next chapter, hopefully finding a place to put these skills to use.

The NHL Playoffs have been a gong show for my bracket. It is certainly the year of the underdog… Bruins have forced another game seven against the Leafs tomorrow in Bahhssstin. Go Bruins!

I was pretty pissed off when I heard TFC traded Seba away. He was a real goal scorer (albeit a bit of whiner – go figure)… But wow, they had a plan, Pozuelo has impressed immensely as a setup man, goalscorer and game breaker. TFC! *clapclapclap*

We watched a good bad movie last night. The Hitman’s Bodyguard won’t win any awards, but the banter between the leads and the over the top action, was still pretty entertaining for a light, Sunday night movie. I’m sure Jackson and Reynolds had a ton of fun filming it and it showed.

Well, back to the coding grind.

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