...a place to bury thoughts

Weekend to defeat the weeds

July 11, 2011 @ 06:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, home, sports, True Blood



It was an odd weekend. Bdot left for California early Sunday morning so I got up to see her off and actually stayed away. I watched the Tour then FIFA soccer. First the Tour… Another entertaining stage for all the wrong reasons… I appreciate that the cars travelling on the tour with the cyclists are in a tight cluster , but my gawd… hitting a cyclist? It might have been the perfect storm with a tight road and a tree suddenly jutting out… but surely weaving into a cyclist is the last resort? The crash knocked the cyclist into a barbed wire fence. Jesus. I saw a photo of Hoogerland afterward.. there were multiple long deep cuts along his back and legs. And he finished the race! He was given some race award for finishing. No shit. A disturbing incident… He could have been killed. It overshadowed a race day changing all the jerseys. It was classy that the peloton waiting as long as they could to give the riders a chance to get back. (At least that is my understanding of what happened…) Hopefully that is the last of the horrific incidents on this tour.

More sports? Sure… I flipped between the #TDF and the FIFA Woman Cup game between Sweden and Australia. The Ozzies gave a great effort but they couldn’t stack up to the Sweds. Especially gifting the Sweds a goal on an unforced error didn’t help either… they did battle until the final whistle which was good to see. The other semi-final was far more interesting. The U.S. v. Brazil. I caught the final 30m of regular time. Apparently there was a controversial call and re-kicking of a penalty kick by Brazil star Marta. By the time I was watching she was being booed mercilessly by the crowd every time she touched the ball. Heh. The one thing that sickens me about soccer is the complete lack of honour some of the players play with. This was no more evident that with 10m left in the overtime one of the Brazilian players suddenly fell to the ground forcing a stoppage in play. Well, she rolled around and it was a drama, a stretcher was brought out and she was taken to the sideline. Well, they took her maybe 20m down the sideline then she got off and came back onto the field walking perfectly fine. GRRRAHHH! And you wonder why I hate the Brazilian and Italian soccer teams?? In a beautiful act of poetic justice she was given a yellow card. Unreal. It was a very exciting game… The U.S. tied the game late with a miracle header goal… they ended up winning on penalty kicks. Good for the Americans… I’d hate to see Brazil rewarded for their repugnant unsportsmanlike play.

In the afternoon I finally got my ass off the couch and cleaned out the garage. Now a car can fit. I also got groceries and continued with yard work in the backyard. I tarped one full side of the garden. So die weeds. Die! Die! Die! It was pretty quick and easy, would have been better if it wasn’t 36C though. The slightest action and I was a disgusting sweat monster. I think we have even agricultural tarp to cover the entire block. It is impressively thick. Ain’t nothin’ gunna survive under there… I’m hoping to get the other side done soon. This is a big step to revitalized those gardens are they are simply overrun with weeds. The Yard Plan is to cover the tarp with mulch… I think that should look pretty decent actually. I’m sure bdot will want to know all the plants were watered too. 🙂 The day lilies in the front garden are looking great.

In the evening my time was split between catching up on Season four of True Blood and gaming. It was a pretty relaxing evening.

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