...a place to bury thoughts

Warming to Palgrave

March 7, 2016 @ 08:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Hiking, Palgrave, Room

Palgrave Forest

Palgrave Forest

Did spend a good chunk of the weekend hibernatingโ€ฆ Although we did get a walk in at Palgrave.

We destroyed Sushi from Ume. I think we are both on a first name basis there. The entertainment was the movie Room. It was a creepy story about abduction. It was well acted and written. I didnโ€™t love it though. I liked how some of the film appeared to be from the 5 year oldโ€™s point of view. How would a five year old see the world if the only world they knew was a small room with a skylight. The power of imagination was interesting. The first half of the movie was far more interesting than the second half.

Snow fading away

Snow fading away

Slowly the snow is receding and disappearing. It is suppose to be double digits tomorrow.

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