...a place to bury thoughts

Waiting in lines at the Toronto Christmas Market

December 8, 2015 @ 10:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

Christmas, Akatsuki, Distillery District, Le Scandinave, Toronto

Christmas Market Toronto

Christmas Market Toronto

Saturday we ventured downtown to meet another couple and their kids at the Toronto Christmas Market. What a gong show. Every step of the way was tedious. Not surprisingly traffic into downtown on a Saturday afternoon is bumper to bumper, slow and dreadful. The Toronto Christmas Market (TCM) is held in the popular Distillery District of Toronto. It sure seemed like everyone knew about this event because it was ‘rammensteined“. First parking. Their website wisely recommends public transit to the event. Believe it. It’s true! We drove around for 30m before paying $15 to park. The closest pay meter was out of order so I walked across the entire lot to pay. No biggie…. but just another finger in the eye. So then you line up to buy tickets. Line up to get inside. Then line up buy another or go anywhere at the event. Sure it is interesting. The cobblestone roads and festive atmosphere… but it is really just about making money. Food was expensive. Beer was expensive. And sure they were trying to limit the number of people at the event… but it didn’t seem to help. It was wall to wall people half of which were standing around taking selfies and blocking traffic. We eventually got word from our friends that it was too much for the kids and that they were going home. Joy. We basically did the same. Had some curry fries, a beer, looked at some art then left. The highlight was Steak & Stout pies from Brick Street Bakery. While the TCM was interesting, it was waaaay to busy, I don’t think I’d do it again.

The Selfie Tree

The Selfie Tree

Monday we spent the day in Collingwood at the Scandinave Spa. It was surprisingly busy for a Monday. It was a mild day, no rain, so it was perfect to be outside at the spa. Wonderfully relaxing. This was a combo birthday/anniversary day for us. If we didn’t have to get home for the dog I’m sure we would still be there.

I’m dreaming of a Green Christmas….

I’m dreaming of a Green Christmas….

We returned to Rudolph’s to get our Christmas tree. The selection was really disappointing. We normally get a tree that is around 8 feet… there were none. The trees that were there were portly, none of them tall and triangular. So after search the entire lot… We found a single taller tree. We debated about trying another tree farm… but it was already getting to be a long day. So we took it. Miraculously it fit in the Subaru with the hatch closed. I wonder how long the car will smell like pine. Bdot is decorating it now so I expect I’ll have an finished photo soon. Unfortunately it sounded like this may be one of the last years for Rudolph’s. They are getting out of the business. There are other options but I enjoy returning to same place. Oh well. Who knows what next year will bring.



The Japanese have a probe named Akatsuki near Venus. They are trying to swing it in for a close look at the planet. Should know if they were successful within a few days. NASA page on the exploration.


Akatsuki has successfully been inserted into Venus’ orbit! Data will starting flowing in shortly. I’m hoping for some revealing photos of the planet.

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