...a place to bury thoughts

Wet and Wailing

May 22, 2018 @ 09:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Biking, home, movies, Avengers: Infinity War, Chaser, Kona Kahuna, La Shawarma, The Wailing, The Yellow Sea, Worlds 2018

Avengers or no….?

Avengers or no….?

We spent most of Friday afternoon top dressing the lawn with dirt and seed. What an exhausting day. I think I hit close to 23k steps. I sure hope it helps the lawn.

It was a rainy weekend so checked out a few movies. First was Avengers: Infinity War. We arrived late so ended up in the necked breaking front row (which sucked)… It was an incredibly entertaining, well produced special effects extravaganza. It had some good laughs too. However, it is hard to really discuss the movie without spoilers. But wow, what an ending. Consequences all over the place for future films…

A day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid. -Tyrion Lannister

I also came across a video with an intriguing list of dark movies on Netflix. I’ve already seen a few of them but watched The Wailing over two nights (it is around 3hrs). What a film! It is Korean subtitled in English and may be the best thriller/horror movie I have seen. Ignore the first 30-45m which are silly, the last two hours are completely gripping and powerful. (Almost unrelated to the beginning tone of the film) Brilliant acting, a very moving plot and often beautifully shot. (One review also recommended Chaser and The Yellow Sea – which I have not seen. All three films directed by Hong-jin Na.

Canada played their semifinal game versus the Swiss today. Despite outshooting and outplaying the Swiss for most of the game… the Canadians couldn’t get enough pucks past the Swiss goalie and lost. They will play the is tomorrow for bronze. It was pretty disheartening. I mean Canada outshot them 18-1 in the 3rd. In the NHL – both teams I’m cheering for are losing… Jets and Caps are both facing elimination. Sigh. I was hoping Ovi would get a shot at the Cup, it isn’t looking promising. (Update: Jets are out, Caps force game 7!)

Barb was recommended a Shawarma place (La Shawarma) in Bolton. We tried it tonight and it was really good! So another good option for eats in the area!

Lots of bikes

Lots of bikes

It was a busy long weekend. Sunday we drove up to Barrie. Bdot is interested in pursuing a new interest, mountain biking! So we contacted my BiL since he is very knowledgeable in the area. He had all sorts of great info and recommendations for what bikes to look at. We stopped at BikeZone in Barrie. It is a huge store with all your biking needs. My BiL recommended two bikes in her price range. She took both for a spin around the building and decided on the Kona Kahuna. I’m still riding my (???) 15-year-old bike, so to me, it rides like a Cadillac. After the bike was sorted out we took the dog for a short walk.



There were trilliums everywhere! Afterward, we ventured over to my BiL’s house. I haven’t been there in a while. Since my last visit, they have renoed most of the main floor completely. It is unrecognizable now. It is all open concept. It felt like walking into a new downtown condo. I think they picked colours and textures (etc.) quite well. It is very sharp looking, even if it is overrun by cats. Since we had the dog and no bike carrier, my BiL was kind enough to bring Bdot’s new bike down in his truck. We BBQed and enjoyed dinner and a few beers from Redline Brewhouse. Check Engine and Block Heater were quite good. We had a good visit with him while my Sister was off in B.C. biking herself.

Yesterday, of course, we had to test drive the bike. We found a curious assortment of single and double track trails in Palgrave Forest. It was grueling but great exercise. I don’t think I’ve biked that tough a trail before. In the evening we had a visit from bdot’s sister and family. They took the rest of our massive pile of dirt. The nephews splashed about in the hottub.

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