...a place to bury thoughts

Us and Them

February 15, 2018 @ 09:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

Canada, hockey, Olympics, Tweeten, Twitter, U.S.A.

Canadian Women 2-1 over the U.S.

Canadian Women 2-1 over the U.S.

The Canada/U.S. Women’s hockey games are always intense. Yesterday’s game was not an exception. It was chippy and emotional. Canada held on for a one goal win. The Canadian Men also off to an impressive start, with a 5-1 win over the Swiss. The U.S. and “Russia” however dropped their first game. It is a strange Olympics for Men’s hockey without the NHL players there. So far, it is allowing others to rise up.

So, there was another school shooting in the U.S.. I guess it is expected with the worst gun laws on Earth. I’m finally seeing some real anger from some people on twitter. Finally, I’m seeing tweets about why things aren’t changing in the U.S.. It is simple. The senators are paid off by the NRA, everyone profits with blood on their hands, while they wrap their obfuscating marketing around rights. It is disgusting. At least some Americans are recognizing the futile cycle (“thoughts and prayers” > nothing changes > repeat) they are in. and, at least, on some level trying to find a path to ending it. Sad.

After having issues with my browser-based TweetDeck app, I started looking for a new client. (Tweetdeck wouldn’t load new tweets at the bottom of a column…) I DID like the UI and how Tweetdeck functioned, so, I was happy to stumble upon Tweeten, which is a standalone app based on TweetDeck! So far, so good. It seems much faster and responsive. >>> *Eyeroll* No. It’s the same. It shows a loading graphic but doesn’t load any more tweets. Sigh. Ha. Alright. My bad. My Adblocker was restricting the app… granted it permission and it appears to be okay now. *snort*

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