...a place to bury thoughts

More Winter

February 5, 2018 @ 09:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

politics, Winter, Altered Carbon, Eagles, Grammarly, Superbowl, Tr*mp, Trudeau

Single snowflakes

Single snowflakes

Over the past week, we’ve had a few minor snowfalls. It has accumulated into a decent amount of snow. Unfortunately, bdot has a slipped disc, so any strenuous activity is rather painful. She is feeling a bit better today. On top of her real physical issues, bdot also had the flu last week. So it has been a pretty quiet week.

Illness won’t stop her!

Illness won’t stop her!

Not surprisingly, my Mom is getting out of the region for a bit. She leaves for Mexico tomorrow for a month! I hope she has a safe and enjoyable stay down south south.

I guess I do a fair bit of writing. I use Grammarly to watch my spelling and grammar. This week it told me: “Your vocabulary was quite voluminous last week. You used more unique words than 92% of Grammarly users.” Hmm.

We started watching Netflix’s Altered Carbon. We’ve watched two episodes. It looks amazing. It reminds me A LOT, visually, of Blade Runner. I’m really enjoying it so far. I don’t think bdot is sold, however.

Sabres are back to sucking. After a brief glimpse of optimism from their West coast trip, they are back to losing. Losing at home. What an embarrassing record they have.

HA! EAGLES WON THE SUPERBOWL. Really, I disliked both teams in the Superbowl… but certainly hate NE more. Brady and his cocky attitude, the Pats documented cheating, the NFL pro-Pats calls, Gronk is such a fratboy douchebag, being a Bills fan… etc. etc. GAH… it was so nice to see them LOSE. Hopefully, the Brady era is finished.


Heroic! While Tr*mp continues to mystify the universe with his boorish behaviour, I’m impressed by what Justin is doing here in Canada. Sure sure… he has had some political flip-flops, some I strongly disagree with, but wow… he is really making an effort to listen to Canadians. I’ve watched a few of the Town Hall meetings across Canada, and wow, to sit there and get hammered, question after question, many with many irrational and emotional people, has to be worth something… Could you imagine Harper or Tr*mp taking questions like that? Ha. While I don’t applaud everything Trudeau has done, but, the Town Hall meetings, IMHO, epitomize Democracy at its best.

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