...a place to bury thoughts

A worthy tribute

June 10, 2015 @ 11:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Dad, Friends, Family

The Sun finally came outโ€ฆ

The Sun finally came outโ€ฆ

Yesterday was an exhausting dayโ€ฆ certainly emotionally and physically. We celebrated my Dadโ€™s life with a mass and reception. He wanted a mass. It was quite a remarkable ceremony. The priest knew my Dad really well. Not only was he a high school and university friend but he said my Dad was pivotal in his decision to enter the priesthood. So there were many personal stories once he finally arrived. Iโ€™m not a religious person but there was certainly comfort and solace in the words, music and singing during the mass. It is a rare mass that the priest has a moment of emotion. When we entered the church it was raining. When we left the Sun was out. Pretty remarkable.

After the mass we met over at the Legion Hall in Port Dalhousie. It was an incredibly difficult day. Iโ€™m blessed to have compassionate and caring friends. In particular Pat, Joe, Dean, Mike, Kirk, Bonnie and Buck. My crutch however has been my wife. Who has been my shoulder and stability through this painful time. I love you very much and you show me through action each day how much you love me.

I met a lot of family at the reception. The line of the day was โ€˜Wowโ€ฆ you sure look like your Fatherโ€™. Lots of hugs, stories and memories were shared. My Dad will be missed by many.

In the evening we took a lovely walk along Lake Ontario with my Mother. The skies had cleared and the evening was perfect. It was a pleasant ending to a painful day.

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