...a place to bury thoughts

Trees, Fish and Farewells

December 9, 2013 @ 09:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Christmas, friends, geeky and tech, Drysdales, JP and Sibling

Bdot starting the Christmas tree cutting

Bdot starting the Christmas tree cutting

Bdot was away Saturday. So I had the evening to myself. The dog was velcroed to me the entire weekend. If you are thinking about getting a dog and want a breed with high independance, don’t get a Vizsla. Good lord… It seems the reno has scarred the dog. She now has a high sensitivity to noises within the house. She will often lay on our bed which is above the garage. Now when I’m rooting around in the garage, not even making that much noise, she’ll jam herself under the bed and hide. Which is brutal. She scratched her nose yesterday and ends up shaking like leaf in wind storm. We’ll have to work on desensitizing her, it is pretty sad and unfortunate, and it certainly explains the reaction the day she damaged her teeth. Le sigh.

So I had a pretty quiet night. Hockey, gaming, Sons of Anarchy, delicious take-out Fish and Chips. (Which I also had for breakfast. Which was awesome…)

I met bdot at Drysdales in the early afternoon Sunday. After goodbyes to the MacFamily we were on the annual quest for our Christmas tree. Unfortunately due to exams my sister and JP couldn’t join us for the ritual tree cutting. Still it was fun. We were surprising efficient finding a big ass tree, with helpful direction from the staff, in about 20 minutes. The breaks with the staff continued with the pricing… The tree is easily 8 feet, likely pushing toward 9… and the dude took cash for a 7 foot tree saving us a bunch of coin… therefore we will return again to Drysdales next year. It is the same guys every year that evaluate the trees. There is always a lot going on at Drysdales… singing, fires, wood carving with a chainsaw *smirk*… we got some food as well. I don’t recommend their burgers… the burgers we got were cold and clearly store bought… The fries and onion rings were marginally better. Overall a successful afternoon, the tree is now up in the great room waiting to get decorated.

Should get my S4 today. It is listed as On Vehicle for Delivery Today. Woo!

Found an interesting and simple way to grab youtube videos… simply go to savefrom.net pop in the youtube URL and it figures out all the available formats and gives you download links. That’s easy! Brilliant!

In sad news one of my friend’s father’s passed away a few days ago. My thoughts go out to Mike and his family in this difficult time. This is the first father amongst my friends to pass away so it has resonated deeply with me.

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