...a place to bury thoughts

Time for Trees

May 14, 2012 @ 10:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Diablo 3, Home, Hockey

Red Beech

Red Beech

Another weekend in the books. Saturday there were two hockey games on. Bdot was off at a golf training session in the afternoon, so I chilled out with some World Cup Hockey, Canada v. Kazakhstan. Kaz isnโ€™t known to have a lot of success in the World Cupโ€ฆ but the night before they played hard and got the U.S. to overtime. A pretty remarkable accomplishment for them. Canada started slow but gained momentum in the third and ended up cruising to a 8-0 win. Anything can happen in sports but often times it does not. After the game I got to the yard work. I chopped down another shrub in the backyard. I have nasty callouses to prove it. We have really cleared out a ton of ugly shrubs and weed trees from the yard since we took ownership of the house. We looked at new options for the yard yesterday at our local nursery Glen Echo. More on this later. In the evening was the game seven match-up between the Caps and Rangers. It was a somewhat anti-climactic game. I was hoping for an offensive slug festโ€ฆ instead it was a defensive grind. I was rooting for the Caps but the Rangers won, ho-hum. My interest in this yearโ€™s playoffs is waning. I guess L.A. winning would benefit the league and they havenโ€™t won the Cup, so they would be my sentimental favourite.

Sunday started off, as they typically do, slowly and lazily. We eventually got off the couch and got dog food, human food and stopped in at Glen Echo to look at trees. There are a remarkable number of trees available. We looked at hundreds but since we had a narrow list of requirements we got a short list quickly, including: Bloodgood Japanese Maple, a Beech and a Pear tree. (Might update the specific trees later) The quest for new trees was prompted by our primary fruit tree in the backyard looking really sickly this year. Additionally, we are looking to add some privacy and shade along the fence lines. Trees are awesome and are a big part of the long term backyard redesign.

Diablo 3

Diablo 3

Tomorrow is a big day for gaming nerds as Diablo III goes live. I was lucky enough to play the Beta for a few weeks. It looks like another solid release from Bizzard and a fun multiplayer action RPG. The fire stops falling from the sky tomorrowโ€ฆ

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