...a place to bury thoughts

The Shed’s Last Stand

May 21, 2012 @ 10:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

home, Amur Maple, Impossible Mission, Scarlett Johansson, shed

Shed. Before and After

Shed. Before and After

We spent Saturday up at my sister’s to celebrate a belated Mother’s Day and my sister’s birthday. It was a quiet and relaxing afternoon. The women ventured into Orillia and brought back a ton of delicious baked goods. We had two desserts. *smirk* We watched half of Impossible Mission… there were some impressive scenes with the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building which is in Dubai, were very impressive. I guess I’ll just assume Tom saved the world and everything ended up okay.

What a mess. Post shed smash.

What a mess. Post shed smash.

Sunday was shed demo day. You can see the before and after above. It is amazing how much mess the shed created. A big thank you to my Brother in Law who drove down to help. I’m not sure where the shed would have fallen if I didn’t have his assistance. In the evening we chilled out with yummy steak dinner and a few wobbly pops. (Once again we used the magic marinade – so good.) After dinner we went to late showing of The Avengers. It was a ‘Real 3D’ showing of the film. I have to say, once you adjust to the 3D effect it is quite impressive. Also impressive was the film. A real summer blockbuster for sure. It had great action, witty humour and engaging characters. Did I mention Scarlett Johansson was in it? *grin* All the super heroes together not getting along until they have to in order to save the world. Joy. Great special effects. The Hulk was awesome and had some the best laughs in the film with his monstrous subtle humour. ⭐⭐⭐½

Don’t really need a reason to post a Scarlett Johansson photo.

Don’t really need a reason to post a Scarlett Johansson photo.

Today we went back to Glen Echo our local nursery. We are looking for a privacy tree along our fence to block off the sight-line from the neighbour’s deck. We looked a bunch of trees and settled on an Amur Maple. We got it for a really reasonable price considering it is quite mature, already 15 feet. I believe it will go in the ground within a few weeks. Slowly the yard is evolving and will continue to evolve…

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