Our echinacea is taking over!
It was enjoyable to spend the weekend in the area. Saturday we went for our longest bike ride yet. It was along the Trans Canada Trail. We parked on Duffy’s Lane and biked to Tottenham (as far as the trail will go presently…). The loop ride ended up being close to 26km. We have never actually gone to Tottenham. It was a charming little town. It has a busy little downtown area. We saw a few bars, many restaurants and a smattering of other businesses. (No fast food here that we noticed) The “main strip” turned into a residential area, the homes looked well maintained, many looked like they had vintage character. The trail ends in Tottenham. (It continues farther north in Beeton but between Tottenham and Beeton is not connected yet. 😦 ) We were also surprised to see the large Tottenham Conservation area/Tottenham Pond from the trail. If we had more time we would have investigated the park further as it looked quite inviting. I’m sure we’ll return to Tottenham at some point in the future. My legs were pretty dead after the ride. I was happy to relax with some Netflix.
Our new Netflix poison is Shameless US. It is crude, offensive and very politically INcorrect. We are really enjoying it. *snort*
TFC had a big game yesterday versus NYC. I drove over to KK’s to watch the game. It was glorious! TFC were in fine form at both ends of the pitch. Up one at half time and winning at home 4 – nil to push them into first in MLS. Hopefully, the team can continue to play this well for the rest of the season! I enjoyed visiting double K, thanks for dinner buddy!
I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for Android to hit my Lenovo N21 Chromebook. Well, who knows if it ever going to happen. *eyeroll* So, when I saw instructions to install Linux on a Chromebook, I said why not. Well, the instructions worked perfectly… And I feel like I have a brand new laptop! Obviously, Linux brings a ton more functionality than ChromeOS… So not only do I have full Chrome, I also have Skype, Steam, Spotify and XFCE… It is fantastic! There are a few minor squabbles, but I’m sorting them out. CPU usage streaming Spotify with Chrome (multiple tabs open) and Skype open ~16-25%! 🙂
While I don’t mind Ubuntu, there were a few things about the install that bugged me. So, I have switched over to my fav, Linux Mint w/ XFCE. 😀