...a place to bury thoughts

Avoided a Toothnado

January 12, 2008 @ 01:01 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Health, Buffalo Sabres, Firewatch, Snow

*sounds of drilling and pounding*

*sounds of drilling and pounding*

I'm sure I've mentioned in the past how much I dislike the dentist. Not personally. My Dentist seems like a decent guy but the process. Oh the process. And unfortunately, I've had a lot of dental issues... today was suppose to be repairing two fillings. Well, I got there and they did an x-ray and now my Dentist was saying there may be complications with one of the teeth. If true, you'll need a root canal. WHAT? So from some basic fillings to a possible fracking root canal. Well that was an unexpected treat. My anxiety went from a standard I don't wanna be here 5 to big juicy 8. So he started poking around and was able to determine the nerve in the tooth is actually healthy but it is also pretty deep toward the surface of the tooth... SO... If it is hit during the filling procedure... again back to a root canal.

JOY! Thankfully... the filling filled without any broader complications. Ugh... I could feel him drilling away and was just waiting for a sudden stab of pain, but it didn't happen. I think we were both relieved. The other filling was much less of an ordeal and done in half the time it seemed. But I was exhausted when I got home but thankful it wasn't a worse visit.

Sabres beat the Sens. The Sabres were up 4-1 as Tage had himself a night. (He left the game early however - he isn't hurt AGAIN is he??) the Sens however, battled back to make it 4-3. I'm sure everyone in Sabresland was expecting them to tie or lose, but they held on. Cozens even got an empty netter... The arena is notably empty. I don't blame anyone for staying home. I wouldn't spend any money on that farce of a team. I love them but it feels more like a curse under Pegula than a potential passion...

It's not looking good...

*It's not looking good...

Maybe ball hockey tonight if a storm doesn't keep everyone home. I'm expecting cancellation.

Not sure why I agreed to it. But we (mostly bdot) are dog sitting a puppy for two weeeks starting tomorrow. Joy. Obviously more on this later.

Lovely art style

Lovely art style

Picked up Firewatch on Steam for $3. So far seems like a steal! It is a charming little game so far. The vistas and scenery is amazing and will make for some fantastic backgrounds. I think I'm onto day two. I've read it is a pretty short game.


Yup. Hockey is cancelled. ๐Ÿ˜• Nothing is happening, yet.

Now it looks like Winter

Now it looks like Winter

Of course the storm hit during the 2h for ball hockey. *eyeroll* It was pretty bad for a while but overall wasn't really much of a storm. It is finally getting pretty cold however. Negative C highs and lows for a few days.

So Firewatch. I completed it in two sittings so it was clearly compelling. The characters and voice acting is excellent. I loved the graphic style and the game had some amazing settings. It is more like a choose your own adventure than a game. There is a little game, Firewatch is more like an experience. So the experience...It is hard to talk about without spoilers so look away if you haven't played it. One of the reasons I game is for escapism so a game that is overtly trying to teach me something or force a lesson or philosophy on me is unwelcome. Yes, I wasn't a fan of the ending. It felt abrupt and rushed - like the devs were to told the game had to ship earlier than expected. It was a hollow, unsatisfying popcorn fart of an ending. And yes yes yes... I mentally understand that was their so-called point - but - this is a game not a first year philosophy read for university students. It made the whole experience seem fake. Regardless, what happened in the plot, if you were talking to someone for months and had the chance to meet in person - I think most people would. The flat ending just sours the entire experience. I mean, for people to have such strong responses to it (just google Firewatch ending) - then they must have had impactful writing but that doesn't mean it was satisfying. I didn't care so much if the 'conspiracies' were true it was the 'relationship' ending that seemed unrealistic. That said, it is quite a trip and I would stick recommend it. The many pluses outweigh that soft ending.

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