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January 27, 2024 @ 08:01 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Ball Hockey, Devotion, Urbo, Jesse L. Brown, Messenger in Brave

Another nice win

Another nice win

Another Friday. Another ball hockey night. Unfortunately, we are having a few frankenteams as the numbers aren't great for this session. It does mean A LOT of extra playing time however. I played for the Red against basically an all star team. We got destroyed. In the second game, with my actual team, we did the destroying. I don't even know the correct score, typically once a lead is 5 or more the game is considered won and scoring is not longer kept. So, we had a good night. We tried to get Mrs.Bows a goal but in spite many shots could not bag one. It was a fun night. I'm sore, but considering I played a double, not too bad...

Snugoo's chew toy Erbo has left. The house is now quiet and the cats are back in full force. He was a funny, fuzzy boy. I'm sure we'll see him again.

Brown in the cockpit of a Grumman F8F 'Bearcat' fighter (circa 1949), prior to deploying to Korea in late 1950 (from his wiki)

Brown in the cockpit of a Grumman F8F 'Bearcat' fighter (circa 1949), prior to deploying to Korea in late 1950 (from his wiki)

I watched a really good docu-drama about one of the first ever Black fighter pilots called Devotion. It is based on the real life of fighter pilot Jesse L. Brown. He was an American pilot during the Korean war. So of course it touches on racism and his struggles to become a pilot. I really enjoyed the film. It was a bit of history, a bit of war action... all really well acted, especially by the lead who played Brown. I can only imagine the vitriol that he must have dealt with. I don't know how accurate the portrayal of his personal life was... but he sure looked like a standup family man. It is a shame he met the outcome he did...The movie was great though. โญโญโญโญโ…“

The NHL break is next week. No hockey for over a week. Oh dear...

The complete 180

The complete 180

Finished Beef. They planted the ended. That was simply fantastic.

Couldn't find anything new to watch on Netflix. I can only browse for so long. I started Walking Dead over from the beginning. I've forgotten how good Season 1 is.

Got a haircut on Thursday. Noticing lots of gray....Hmpt.



For weeks now we've had this plastic tub strainer, which is in our downstairs laundry room, appear in rooms throughout the house. While we are sure it is one of the cats.. we've never actual caught either cat carrying it around. It seems like an odd thing for a cat to carry. It is a bit of a mystery. I think this is an unhappy laundry spectre of some sort...Truly chilling. ๐Ÿ˜›

Hmm. I've been having issues sending photos in messenger for a while now. I did the cache clear and it did nothing. So I read more and it may be a more fundamental issues with how end to end encryption in used within the app. I typically use a browser based messenger using the Brave browser when I experienced the problem. To test, I tried it in Firefox and BOOM! picture sent. *shrug* So I guess I'll be running two browsers (ugh!) until Brave fixes this issue. I've logged the issue with Brave support. We shall see...

Had a good Zwift today. 90day Personal Best on FFR. 12.21.01. I have a few all time bests under 12 but one had a lot of drafting...It felt like it was going to be a good time, and it was.

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