...a place to bury thoughts

Stupid cat

October 21, 2009 @ 09:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Remi, Home, Pets

*SMH* Cats...

*SMH* Cats...

Well Remicat burned another one of her lives today. I came home and let the dog out as I normally do and heard her distressed meow coming from what appeared to be the ground floor window. I went over to look and could hear her louder. It sounded like she was in the BBQ. I opened it and she wasnโ€™t. I could see no cat. So I looked in the house near the window, maybe she was trapped in the room. Nope. So I returned outside and could see half her body struggling to remove herself from beneath the BBQ. I lifted it and she took off around the house, still meowing loudly and distressed. She eventually stopped under a shrub and I grabbed her. She calmed down pretty quickly after I got her in the house. I guess she got out in the morning when I let the dog out and outside she stayed all day. *eyeroll* It is pitch black still when I let the dog outโ€ฆ Stupid cat. At least she didnโ€™t wander off the property. Sighโ€ฆ

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