Double dog damage.
Hmm. I guess it has been awhile since my last update. I have been pretty busy this last week. I don’t know why I haven’t mentioned this before…
Since the Round Lake cottage holiday (about two weeks ago) my right ear has been plugged and still is. It is incredibly annoying. It is a ‘wax’ build up that is blocking my ear canal. Bleck indeed. So I’ve been living with ‘half-hearing’ for awhile. It is most noticeable where there is a lot of different sounds/conversations then I really find it difficult to hear. I’ve been blasting it with a lot of ‘wax removal’ chemicals and recently I’ve started flushing the ear with water… it cleared briefly yesterday but after I flushed it, it become closed again. Joy! Anyway, I hope it clears soon. It is very frustrating and annoying to say the least.
I had another interview Friday. I don’t think it went very well. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I was pretty composed by the time I got to Richmond Hill but I think some of my interview answers were suspect. Gawd, Richmond Hill is big BTW… So we’ll see but I don’t expect a call back or second interview. The Burlington job continues to be good but who know what will happen there. So I’m still looking. Sigh.
We were thinking of updating the criminally nonfunctional fireplace we have with either a gas or wood insert. We looked at some yesterday and I have to admit I was impressed with the gas inserts. Yes. Me who was wood or die liked the convenience and simplicity of a gas insert. So now the debate rages on gas or wood. Then driving home from a movie last night B. remembered the sorry state of the furnace and that clearly it is priority number one… So the insert is getting backburnered for awhile. Which movie? We saw Julie and Julia last night. It was a lot better than I was expecting it to be. Pretty funny and had an interesting dual storyline that they blended together in an entertaining manner. ⭐⭐⭐½
Friday we got Cairo (Tanga’s brother not sister thx B.) dropped off for us at the last minute so… we have an extra dog for the weekend. Ho-hum. I feel fairly rundown… at some point I’d like some down time this weekend…