...a place to bury thoughts

Hello Spring.

March 12, 2012 @ 07:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

hiking, home, weather, Palgrave, Spartacus



It was the weekend the seasons changed from Winter to Spring. Not only did the temperature jump a staggering 20 degrees but the clocks also jumped ahead an hour. The time jump is awesome… it means I don’t have to walk the dog in the creepy field in the dark. So bizarre… Friday night we were walking around outside with a hat, gloves and sweater (and still cold), Sunday we were outside with only t-shirts and sweating. WTF. Seeing that it was a pathetic snowless Winter anyway, Spring mine as well waltz in and warm things up. I watched a ton of Spartacus season two over the weekend. I think I’ve caught up to current episode. The bloodfest continues. I’m certainly looking forward to the episode in which that snake Asher gets his comeuppance. It is well overdue. Speaking of snakes and comeuppance… Walking Dead… WTF… killing off characters in the last 5m of the past two episodes… Granted, psycho cop had to go, but still…the unexpected plot twists continue… and the ending! ZOMBIES…! Finally….

Saturday was mostly housework. Very exciting, won’t bore you with the details. We did get out for a long walk in Palgrave forest. It turned out to be a bad decision. Palgrave is pretty dense with trees and most of its well shaded trails are still very slick with ice. I took a pretty nasty fall on my back down a slick little hill. My neck is still stiff today… considering the force of the fall I’m shocked I’m not in more pain. Sigh… There was a beautiful sunset that night (shown above). I don’t think the photo does it justice… I couldn’t get to a good vantage point during the peak of its colour explosion. Sunday we drove over to Erin. A charming little town about 30m from Bolton. As the weather was amazing, people were everywhere walking around enjoying the sudden upturn in temperature. Bdot and I strolled through a few boutiques and furniture stores. I think we found a strong lead for a local manufacturer of custom coffee tables. We’ll have to explore that at some point in the future. My favourite stop was of course the local bakery. We scored an assortment of cookies and coconut raspberry squares. None of which survived the night. Since Saturday’s walk was fraught with turmoil… I insisted we find a dry, flat place to walk on Sunday. The railtrail fit that need perfectly. We usually walk away from Bolton on the trail, but for something different we walked towards Bolton. The trail starts through a subdivision then it passes behind the East Caledon Arena and some Soccer fields (holy soccer fields!) but eventually gets into more rural treed farmland. The dog loves the warmer weather and was exploring everything along the trail.

I’m off to see my first Sabres’ game post-Pegula tonight versus the Habs. It should be fun. I’m going with a co-worker who is a *cough* Habs fan.

Traffic was great this morning. Thank you March break.

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