...a place to bury thoughts

Smells like an Old Man

November 20, 2021 @ 09:11 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, bdot

No the florette is not photoshopped!

No the florette is not photoshopped!

Bdot has been very busy training our dog to detect scents. There is a special dog title that can be earned for doing so and they recently got great scores in a trail earning the Started Special title. When focused, our little Gojira is incredibly capable.

Had a lovely day today with my Mother and Bdot. We drove down to Beamsville for a delicious lunch at August. We then ventured over to the Walking Can. Holy – it was busy like Costco with plants. So many people. It is a cool shop – we’ll have to return later at a quieter time. We had the dog in tow so it was a bit challenging to shop in such a bust place… still… we found a lot of cool stuff. I got some really interesting low-light plants for the mancave. My mom had found a nice planter but upon inspection, it had a lot of harmful plants for cats. So, she just got a Christmas cactus. *shrug*

Got my first 50th card. Good lord. Fifty.

The Canadian Men’s Soccer Team beat Mexico! in Edmonton in the ‘Iceteca’ (-8 degrees)… They are incredibly top of the table for World Cup Qualifiers! I think they also pulled their FIFA rank up to 40…Phew!

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