...a place to bury thoughts


March 16, 2008 @ 07:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Friends, music, Iron Maiden, Toronto Rock

2 Megapixel Maiden goodness. ๐Ÿ™‚

2 Megapixel Maiden goodness. ๐Ÿ™‚

This weekend really has been a blur. Friday right after work I met Kirk, Pat, Ed and Sandra at the Air Canada Centre to see a Toronto Rock Lacrosse match. It is a yearly thing through the Brock Alumni Society. They usually get a skybox, but low interest and higher skybox rental costs put us in seats this year. It was fun. Regrettably B. had to be home for the puppy otherwise she would have joined us.

Saturday was Gambitโ€™s last day with us. B. took him to another friends and it is rumoured that a family is looking at taking him. Bye ya bastard! ๐Ÿ™‚ I spent most of Saturday around the house. I made Stuffed Peppers (which turned out pretty good) and did a bunch of other housework. In the evening I watched the Sabres stomp the Leafs. The Sabres are close to a playoff stopโ€ฆ but then again most of the Eastern Conference is. *smirk*

Today was busy too. Started off with a fairly rushed trip to Ikea. I picked up some drawers and doors for a shelving unit in my office. Should be useful once they are installed. After Ikea I rushed out to hockey. We played the first place team. I can see why they are first. They played like a team not a bunch of pick-up guys. They always seemed to have a guy open and passed all over. All we could do (it seemed) was run all over after them with very little success. I scored the only goal in a very lop-sided game. It was pretty chippy as well. The reffing in the second half of the game was not very good at all.

If that werenโ€™t enough for a Sundayโ€ฆ after hockey I drove downtown back to the ACC to see IRON MAIDEN! The daughter of Maiden founder Steve Harrisโ€™ daughter Lauren Harris opened the show. I canโ€™t say I was too impressed. She didnโ€™t seem to have the vocals or energy to led a metal band. Meh. No one was there to she her anyway. (But it was nice to see Steve actually Bring His Daughter to the Slaughterโ€ฆ :P)

Then the lights dimmed and the ACC went nuts and continued to go nuts until they came back on. They were amazing. Ripping through Aces High, 2 Minutes to Midnight, Powerslave, Ancient Mariner, The Trooper, Wasted Years, Moonchild, Iron Maiden, Revelations and of course Number of the Beastโ€ฆ and many others. The stage looked like it may have during the Powerslave tour with tombs and crypts similar to that albumโ€™s cover. There was a far bit of pyrotechnics and of course Eddie made a brief showing. Bruce was on the mark all night and led many chants of โ€˜Scream for me Toronnnto!โ€™. Ahh yes. Awesome. Now I must sleep! Hopefully add one of my crappy camera photos to this entry sometime tomorrow.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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