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Scott shines

February 2, 2016 @ 08:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, John Scott, NHL All Star Game

NHL All Star MVP John Scott

NHL All Star MVP John Scott

The John Scott story has been really interesting to follow. The NHL allowed fans to pick the all star by voting online. Fans have voted in the past to pick fringe players to the game. The NHL didnโ€™t change anything. This year fans voted John Scott into the game. Scott has been around for years and bounced around a lot of teams. Heโ€™s even played for my Sabres a few years. He is known as a fighter and only plays a few minutes most games. He didnโ€™t ask or want to be a fighter he became one. Scott tells his story best. Anywayโ€ฆ once it was clear Scott was getting the fan vote, he was first in voting for all players, the league stepped in to avoid the embarrassment of having a fighter at the all star game. Phoenix traded Scott to Montreal. Montreal sent him to their farm team. Once on the farm team Scott was ineligible to play in the game. It was a cruel twist for a real guy and his family. He didnโ€™t ask for the all star drama and initially asked for it to stop and for fans to pick other players. Most fans perceived this as a dirty move by the league to circumvent what the fans decided. Eventually the bad PR made the league change their tune and Scott decided to play at the All Star game. He did. He smiled the entire game and was a class act the entire time. He even got a dig in at Roenick on live TV. Roenick is a monstrous dbag IMHO.

When the day was don, Scott had 2 goals and won the All Star game MVP. It was an incredible feel good story. I donโ€™t know what the future holds for Scottโ€ฆ but for a day he was the talk of hockey and his attitude and heart truly was all star caliber. On hockey. Ugh. Bettman the commish for seven more years.

Homemade pizza. Oh yes.

Homemade pizza. Oh yes.

We spent part of the weekend at Bdotโ€™s sisterโ€™s in Aurora. It was relaxing and enjoyable as always. Sunday we drove to Newmarket for a massive Costco shop. What a zoo. My Mom left today for Mexico. Sheโ€™ll be gone for a month! I hope she has a great trip. She has my camera. Iโ€™m expecting to see a ton of great photos!

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