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Scary potential escalation

November 15, 2022 @ 08:11 pm 🔗 Post Link

Politics, Ukraine

Ru**ia destroying itself

Ru**ia destroying itself

Oh dear, IF THIS IS TRUE… the ramifications could be dire. If the idiot Russians are lobbing missiles close enough to the Polish border that this happened, I can’t see NATO responding by doing nothing.

That said, there are a million ways to respond but jez… maybe it is time to end Putin. The situation is tense for sure… The world waits for NATO’s response. Article 5?

Of course, the clusterfsck morons in Russia have already denied having missiles in the area. If a Russian politician’s mouth is moving, simply assume he is lying.


Really no response yet as NATO and various leaders are meeting. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….


so, it was determined that it was a Ukrainian missile? or fragment? so NATO is doing… nothing. OK?

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