...a place to bury thoughts

Rings and things

July 29, 2012 @ 10:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, remi, beer, Wedding

Bdot’s ring

Bdot’s ring

Our wedding rings are ready! Yesterday we drove up to Orangeville to see them. We are both very happy with them. They both have a little bling, bdot’s of course has more with all those diamonds. *grin* Now we just have to pay for them… After admiring our rings we wandered down Broadway and shopped a few stores. Apparently there is a shortbread specialty store opening soon just down the street from our chocolatier. Naturally we stopped at our chocolate shop as well. Yum. Every time we go to Orangeville we debate the merits of moving there… Hmmm. We also stopped at the LCBO in OV which is quite nice. We picked up a bunch of booze for the holiday. I bought a few beers to try: Stonewall Light (a cheaper local light beer with lime… we had a few last night. It is very mild tasting… good for summer) , a few Innis & Gunn (which I know are good), a Japanese beer named Asahi Karakuchi and an organic English Ale named St.Peter’s, it comes in a few unique flask-like green bottle.

We debated about going to see a movie in the evening, but we were both really tired… I think I went to bed before midnight….Gah. We did manage to run the dog. The sun was quite bright and I snapped a interesting photos of a vine.

Vines and sun

Vines and sun

The London 2012 Summer Olympic games have begun! The opening ceremonies were quite the spectacle. I really thought the cauldron was impressive. Canada also won their first medal today. A bronze in synchronized diving. 🙂

We got up early for a Sunday and went to golf practice range in Brampton. Bdot has been getting some lessons and I need to practice pretty much everything. I was actually pretty happy with my golfing today. Putting was solid, chipping was only marginally embarrassing and my driving, using bdot’s Adams driver, was the most consistent it has been in years. Crazy… maybe I just need some need clubs? That Adams’ driver was like a cannon… I think I hit a few close to 250 or more…for me is miraculous. Afterwards we finally tried the local all-day breakfast diner. It was actually quite good… apparently everyone in town but us already knew that because there was a steady stream of people coming in the entire time we ate. We picked up groceries in the newly renovated Zehr’s in town. I guess there was some sort of grand reopening celebration going on because we heard horrible Italian ballads coming from the frozen foods section. Oi-vey. Needless to say we escaped from the singing as quickly as possible. I wonder if that qualifies as cruel and unusual punishment for the staff? Then finally my favourite stop was at Sweet N’ Sinful Cupcakes. I’d like to try them all but even getting a half dozen is pretty pricey. Still, om-nom-nom.

Remi cat’s weight has been fluctuating a lot in the past few months. It goes up a bit then down a bit… The past week it has been going down. Which is very troubling and horrible timing. The cat is being watched by a women who is also a Vet Tech. After a long talk with her today, we are reasonably confident to leave Remi for a week in her care. Frankly she looks quite frail and has never liked being confined in a crate in a car. So… driving her north for 4hrs seems like a bad idea. I think the stress she creates for herself (and us) would result in a horror-show. We figured out today she turning 15 years old on the July 15th that just passed, so she is getting up there in cat years. Her blood was recently tested and nothing came back… so hopefully whatever is going on is just a short lived cycle. Damn cats.

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