...a place to bury thoughts

Bees, B’s and Wasps

July 12, 2012 @ 09:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, home, music, hospital

Bzzz bzzzz bzzzz rahhhh!

Bzzz bzzzz bzzzz rahhhh!

Just another boring week at home? No not really… Tuesday night I was eating dinner when I heard a yelp from bdot in the backyard. I asked what was going on and she said she had been stung by several wasps. Some history… She has in the past had some nasty reactions to bee stings and clearly has a high sensitivity to them. Immediately her ankle, where she was stung became very red and inflamed. After 30m her stomach, arms, most of her legs and parts of her face were breaking out in hives… at the time it looked real horrorshow. It also looked like it was getting worse. I wasn’t taking any chances. If something were to happen I wanted her at a hospital. So we drove up to Emerg in Orangeville. Apparently I drove fast to Orangeville. Hmm.

Emergency rooms are fascinating places. A cross section of society all together likely having the worst day they’ve had in awhile. There was the hyper crazy kid who took some pills, the skinny woman who had some sort of chest problem and looked to be in great discomfort and an assortment of elderly people in wheelchairs with breathing issues. I bet ER nurses could write a very compelling book. Anyway… things ran smoothly in the ER and we were assessed documented and sitting with a doctor in about 1.5h. Thankfully by this time the hives had diminished and she was feeling better. We were even thinking perhaps we had over reacted… but at the time it was looking pretty nasty. Why risk it. Especially since we aren’t close to a hospital. The doctor was a younger guy, seemed really personable and kind. He said it was smart to have come in to have it looked at. He prescribed a bunch of drugs including a steroid and recommended that bdot carry around an EpiPen just in case. The hospital must be busy. They have upgraded their automated parking system. It looks like version 2.0 of the computerized system. (I’ve been to Orangeville twice in the past) It looked pretty slick taking my $4 to park for two hours.

It is now Thursday morning and bdot’s ankle is still very red and inflamed and she is experiencing various odd symptoms that seem to come and go. Bloody insects. I’m going to have to figure out where they are and wipe them out. If the dog were to come across that nest it could be really ugly. That will be good times I’m sure.

You may have noticed that the blog comment form is no longer available here at unsung. After get barraged by spam I’ve decided to remove public comments. Thanks asshole spammers. If you would like to comment on a blog entry now you’ll need an account. An account is just a username and password, let me know if you are interested. It also allows me to play around with PHP sessions which are interesting. Once you’ve signed in you won’t have to deal with any captcha or questions to enter a comment. *shrug* I’ll see how it goes.

I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get to the Ad.ver.sary/IVardensphere show last night… but a show downtown Toronto during the week is really challenging. I’d be getting to bed around 2am to get up for 6am… So fsck that. I’m not twenty anymore… I always wonder why concerts are held at 10pm on a Wednesday night. *shakeshead* I’m trying to convince bdot to go to And So I Watch You From Afar Saturday night for some post-rock awesomeness. *pokepoke* P.S. I’m shocked the spellchecker didn’t know what an IVardensphere was. 😛

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