...a place to bury thoughts

Chainsaws. Meat. Fire. Llama. Booze.

July 14, 2014 @ 07:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

astronomy, Family, food, friends, gaming, Divinity: Original Sin, Lost

The score from this year’s ribfest.

The score from this year’s ribfest.

Another summer weekend is in the books. Friday I was thankfully let out early from work since it was a perfect summer day. It was indeed. Warm and sunny with a slight breeze. A copy and paste kind of day. So I took advantage of the extra time off to walk the dog longer than usual. Sure it turned me into a human puddle but both of us need the exercise. In the evening KK came over to jam. He brought over a new Yamaha keyboard he snatched off of Kijiji. What a fun toy. Hundreds of voices and it has a lovely built in arpeggio option to instantly create workable basslines. I was impressed with his mad keyboarding skills. Who knew? I thought he was just a guitarist. *smirk* We played for several hours. It was a lot of fun wandering in out of different voices, drum kits and ruining otherwise good songs.

Saturday I did a few errands and got my hair cut. My sister, JP and Michelle came over in the late afternoon to head up to Bolton’s Ribfest. We decided to walk up from the valley. Gah. It sure seems a lot farther when it is 30 degrees out. There were five ribbers there so we each picked one and stood in line. I of course picked the slowed line. Yes you Crabby’s. I think that is why there are cute cashiers there. Anyway. This year’s ribbers deserve a mention. My gawd… if you are going to stand over a smoldering BBQ for hours in that heat… the least I can do is give you mention. The Ribbers: Ribs Royale, Jack the Ribber, Crabby’s BBQ Shack, Dinosaur Pit BBQ and Texas Rangers. There was seating but it was really loud in front of the stage so we opted to walk back and eat in the AC with cold beer. YUM! There was a lot of silence as we devoured the ribs. There wasn’t a clear winner but being able to eat from all five it became clear that each ribber does things differently. The sauce flavours were all unique and even the texture of the meat seemed to vary. All were delicious. I felt like I should lay down by a tree and bake in the Sun after that monstrous meal. Om. After dinner Michelle had a date so she took off. My sister and JP didn’t stay long either. My sister wasn’t feeling well and looked like Death so they understandably wanted to get home. She is close to landing a full-time position at a local hospital which would be a massive game-changer for her. Good luck sis! Bdot and I continued to wade through season four of Lost after everyone left. Yes, it continues to be weird and it is really jumping all over with plots both before and after the crash but the characters continue to be interesting.

Germany wins the 2014 World Cup!

Germany wins the 2014 World Cup!

I managed to sneak in the last last 30m of TFC’s incredible come back win this weekend 4-2. T! F! C! Speaking of soccer… The Germans were slightly better than Argentina Sunday for their World Cup victory. It was a tense 0-0 draw in to start extra time. Then Mario Götze got free for his brilliant winning goal. Deutschland!

Between going up and down the stairs and doing laundry this weekend, I managed to get in a few hours of Divinity: Original Sin. My characters are now around level six and I’m really enjoying the game now. I have some effective skills and weapons and I’ve won a bunch of battles than owned me before. There is a lot of clever levels and design in the game. I’m curious to see how big the map actually is and continue exploring this impressive game.

Bdot had planned on going home this weekend to see her friends. I think it is somewhat up the air at the moment due to her never ending workload. Hmmpt.

I’m a little disappointed I didn’t snap a few photos of the incredible super moon this weekend. It was noticeable brighter. Hmmpt.

But most importantly of all! Bdot’s magic garden has yielded some beans! More veg to come!

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