More horrific scenes from Rafah today. The 'so called good guys' Israel bombed a safe designated tent camp killing women, the elderly, children and civilians. They may have killed two Hamas but no proof has been provided. Choosing between Biden and Tr*mp must be impossible for Americans. One pro-genocide and one pro-dictatorship. Truly sickening. Thank god there are some non-mainstream sources telling the truth about Israel. (โค๏ธ Breaking Points) Shame on you Joe Biden! Your administration had blood on their hands. The word-soup justifications by your administration are disgusting. ...but... but...Israel has the right to defend themselves. Does anyone seriously believe that is what is going on here? What a crock of shit. Defend themselves against a 7 year old girl in a tent? I just don't understand. There is no justification for this. Period. But don't worry Israel said sorry and is going to investigate. *cough* I'm sure everyone will be held accountable! (Image from CBC)
I'm surprised by the lack of news about Taiwan being surrounded by China...Some unreliable sources are saying the U.S. navy is there? Is it? Or isn't it? That might be important news??

Wow...the news is dark right now. This was a good story. Czechia winning gold in Czechia. Pasta seems to be having a great time celebrating the win.
No accountability for Israel
I just don't understand why the West continues to support Israel's murderous agenda. The UN and the non-Western World has strongly denounced them. The Israeli government needs to be held accountable for their repeated, documented inhumane actions. I came across this comment on the video. Sounds right. You know what also died in Gaza? The Myth of Western Humanity and Democracy...
Hopefully we at least get some great news from the Tr*mp trial and the jury decides to #LOCKHIMUP!