...a place to bury thoughts

Questionable calls

July 20, 2007 @ 10:07 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

sports, pondering

You get a card! And you get a card!

You get a card! And you get a card!

Iโ€™ve been watching a fair bit of the FIFA Under 20 tournament that has been going on in Canada. The tourny is now down to the final two teams, Argentina and the Czech Republic. Watching the Chile/ Argentina semi final today was difficult at times with some very suspect calls from the German ref. Chile received two red cards (instant ejections from the game) and at least half a dozen yellow cards. The Argentinians (?!) should be embarrassed with the sickening rolling around on the ground they made to embellish calls. I love watching soccer but that behaviour is appalling and goes against everything I respect in sports. Granted Chile had some over emotional interactions with the ref and I agree with one of the red calls (never touch a ref) but many of the calls were pretty outrageously inaccurate at times. Pretty sad. Hopefully this ref isnโ€™t calling the finals! I find it amusing that it is โ€˜typicalโ€™ for South American teams to start mucking it up after a game that they lost. Suck it up and get off the field โ€“ try showing a little class. This behaviour is more embarrassing than the loss. Disgusting. Go home Chile.


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