...a place to bury thoughts

to be Married. :)

October 14, 2011 @ 10:10 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, health, Buffalo Sabres, work

Rainbow today… just before I got home from work….

Rainbow today… just before I got home from work….

It has felt like a typical and long work week in spite of it really being a short four day work week. The last two days at work were particularly brutal with IT issues the entire days. *yawn*

I’m really starting to wonder what I’ve done the right upper side of my body. I have a lingering sensation on my upper chest like a punch (but much more mild) and my hand on the same side has had a nagging tingling for a few weeks now. I don’t think it is carpal tunnel related… Whatever it is the nerves seem to be revolting periodically. It is more annoying than painful but it isn’t nothing. I’m pretty happy to have massage therapy tomorrow morning.

It feels like forever since the Sabres played their two opening games of the season in Europe. Tonight they finally play their home opener at the HSBC First Niagara Centre… There is huge anticipation amongst Sabres’ fans for the first full season of the Pegula era. With the numerous off-season acquisitions, the expectation for this season are very high. Are you ready for some hockey?!!

Bdot has been in a OCD frenzy all week looking at photographers. We meet another tomorrow. This one seems very promising as we both like her photographic style and personality. After tomorrow’s meeting we are driving down to St.Catharines to take my Dad out for a birthday dinner. Should be fun. I’m very much looking forward to the downtime. That said, there is some must-do gardening and lots of housework to do as well. Ho-hum.

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