...a place to bury thoughts

Niagara Visit

May 27, 2015 @ 07:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, Beechwood, FIFA Women’s World Cup 2015, Game of Thrones, Home

I see you…Hooper – my parents’ ADD cat.

I see you…Hooper – my parents’ ADD cat.

My Dad’s health continues to be a rollercoaster. Bdot and I drove down last Saturday for a visit. We stopped to grab donuts at Beechwood before we arrived. Yum. Unfortunately when we arrived my Dad was having a minor COPD flare-up. After a few stressful moments my mother was able to get my Dad relaxed. Eventually he returned to normal. I was hoping to see some improvement in his ability to maneuver. But he hasn’t had any physio and continues to be primarily bedridden. His spirits did improve however after his COPD symptoms were under control. Phew. While there I had an unusual visit with one of my former neighbours. To say it was awkward is an understatement. When I arrived they were doing some yard work and seems to ignore me after initial hellos. It was really odd. So… uh… I guess I’ll leave then. Weird.

Bdot and I are watching Game of Thrones Season 5… It sure is getting bleak. The noble Starks are continuing to get the shizer kicked out of them. While Queen Cersei continues to be one of the most ruthless and hated characters on TV….

I’ve been trying to keep the dandelions at bay on our lawn. So far I’ve ahead. I think. But it is hard… All around us are properties full of weeds. This is the park just behind us down the ravine…



It looks like I’ll be joining Bdot’s brother, brother in law and another for a boyZ weekend at their cottage. I’m still waiting to hear if it is one or two nights. There will be booze and chainsaws. I really should find out what my blood type is… :/

I’m looking forward to watching the FIFA Women’s World Cup held in CANADA next month! GO CANADA!
Canada is playing on:
June 6 v. China
June 11 v. Netherlands
June 15 v. New Zealand

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