...a place to bury thoughts

Never says die…

December 19, 2009 @ 08:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Christmas, stuff

Getting into the season. The outside of the house.

Getting into the season. The outside of the house.

Last night we picked up a Christmas tree for the upstairs Living Room. Today B. finished decorating it, and I think it is pretty stunning.

My car breaks have been making a horrrrrrible noise for a few days now… jut!jut!jut!jut!jut!Wheeeewheeeephhhtttttttt… yup just like that I was concerned it might be getting unsafe so we took it into the garage today. It is an old car. A ’99 with over 240,000km on it. If the call from garage came back too expensive to fix then it could have been curtains for my longtime companion. But we’ll be together awhile longer… the breaks did need some work (as well as engine belts and a few other minor repairs….) but they’ll keep the car running (hopefully) well into 2010! It has been a remarkable little car.

After some housework, I got B.’s primary Christmas gift. I’m hoping she likes it. It is pretty special IMHO. I don’t want to say much else otherwise inspector Allen might figure it out. 😛

I’m pretty bagged now… just chillin’ in front of the tube.

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