...a place to bury thoughts

Moving the Mulch?

July 26, 2021 @ 07:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

Canada, home, Sports

Front yard is looking good!

Front yard is looking good!

This Summer’s outdoor project was to remulch the gardens. The mulch pile was huge. I initially thought it was waaaay too much. But I moved it, bit by bit, slowly eroding the massive pile until most of the gardens had, at least, some mulch. Wow… we actually need more. It was a ton of sweaty work, but it does look pretty good. Hopefully it will help with the weeds too.

I had a video interview for an IT position. It is fully remote. *gasp* I should hear back either way within two weeks. I’m very eager to leave my current ‘situation’ as I don’t see a future there at all.

Olympics have started. The stadiums are empty. I still enjoy the games and the few glimpses of real human emotion it evokes. Even if the almighty dollar is the centrepiece.

Canada elected a first aboriginal Governor General today. Hopefully she can do what Justin hasn’t been able to and mend some of the many broken paths between us.


Added another photo

Front yard

Front yard

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