...a place to bury thoughts

Money for Nothing

January 19, 2011 @ 11:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

politics, Buffalo Sabres, weather

Made it to hump day. Getting a ‘snow day’ early this week was looking promising but it didn’t snow anywhere near enough. Not that there wasn’t some weather related chaos but the Municipalities in the region have their act together and roads were salted and sanded quickly. I find it funny when people outside Canada think it snows badly here. It has been a decade since I remember a bad snow storm in southern Ontario.

The funeral for the slain Police officer was earlier this week. It was massively attended. A sad day for the city of Toronto.

The whole Money for Nothing ban for ONE complaint over the use of faggot is embarrassing. Has political correctness DEvolved so much that one complaint can get a bureaucrat to jump and censor media for all of Canada. Unreal. What word is next? Hopefully the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council will wake up. The song has been around since 1985! and no one has had a problem until now? *eyeroll* Sure if it was hate speech or advocating hate in some manner I could see it… but this is Dire Straits… DIRE *freaking* STRAITS! *headslap* Sad. Canada deserves better.

I had a dental cleaning last night. No cavities…but my gums bleed very easily. I was feeling a little sorry for the Dental Hygienist… it was starting to look like the shoreline after a whale slaughter. *cough* It was a long appointment too 1.5hrs. I didn’t get home until after 8:30… which makes for a crazy long day.

Ahh my Sabres. Suck one day then stellar the next. Great character win last night. They seemed like a different team. Gerbe and Myers both getting involved physically was awesome to see. Still… as WGR keep repeating… still 8 points out of a playoff spot, haven’t won three games in a row this year and Miller has had (something like) eight 4 or more goal games against in the past twelve… I’m ready for some change. I’ve dumped the koolaid on both Miller and Ruff, especially since playoffs this year are looking like a longshot. Again… the stats suggest Ruff needs to go… playoffs in 3 of 9 years? (I believe that is right) That is brutal. I pray the new owner cleans house.

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