...a place to bury thoughts

Only memories

August 31, 2018 @ 11:08 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, food, friends, KK, Kirk

We had to stop for gas after the Visitation, the clouds were particularly brightโ€ฆ

We had to stop for gas after the Visitation, the clouds were particularly brightโ€ฆ

So my best friendโ€™s (and my best-man's) visitation was Wednesday. It was a really difficult day. My Mom drove up as she has known Kirk for decades. Seeing his wife, Mom and Sister was especially hard and emotional. Seeing the pain of the people that loved him the most was anguishing. But there is some solace there as wellโ€ฆ

The day would have taken a much heavier toll without my supportive wife and friends. My awkward, strange, inappropriate and awesome friends who are capable of turning the worst situation into something tolerable. A special thank you to Captain who has stepped up and checked in. Words cannot express my gratitude. We heard some stories from his roommate Derek who was pretty broken up as well.

Afterwards, we shared dinner at Earlโ€™s (which was okay at best) but the time together to talk, decompress and refocus was invaluable.

I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ll be lucky enough to have such a good friend again in my life. One who connected on so many levels, with some many shared interested that was always available to chat with. We had so many good times. Sadly, Iโ€™m only left with memories.

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